⇝ 0.5 ⇜

307 15 4

4 months later
(y/n)'s POV

Today was the day that I would start going to To-Oh University. But... That means that I would see Light again, every. single. day... We didn't really talk ever since that night with his parents and when I met Ryuk two-four months ago, but he still did whatever he could to drag me over there so his mother and sister didn't ask about me. We would talk occasionally, but he doesn't try to get me to spill that I know he's Kira, or tell him my real name. I didn't mind, it's kept me safe this whole time.

Right now, I'm standing with Light outside of his house, Sayu kept telling us good luck and Mrs. Yagami was taking pictures.

"Ok, smile you two! 1.. 2.. 3!" The flash went off for the 100th time, I counted.

"That's a great picture, mom!" Sayu said, admiring the picture, "They look like a couple!"

"I wouldn't mind if Hitomi went out with Light." Mrs. Yagami said, giving a sweet smile.

"It never crossed my mind..." I muttered.

"Haha, don't worry, I wasn't thinking about that either." Light said, laughing a bit when he heard me.

You're a good liar, Light... That laugh is so fake, how can nobody notice that.

"Let's just go, I don't wanna be late. Bye Mrs. Yagami! Bye Sayu!" I said, grabbing Light's arm and dragged him away.

"Woah, the girl really wants to get to school." The shinigami said.

Once we were out of Light's family's line of sight and ear range, I let go of Light and walked ahead of him. I heard him sigh, but he walked behind me.

"We can't be acting like this forever, you know. You're family will catch on." I said, not looking back.

"As long as we're doing what we're doing, we won't get caught." Was all Light said.

"Next time you say something like that, rephrase it. You just made it sound like we're doing something illegal. What if Kira heard you? Then we would both be dead." I said, trying to make Light think I didn't think he was Kira anymore.

"I guess you're right." That was the last thing he said.


I had to sit next to Light at the entrance ceremony, good for me... I saw him go up to the podium with another student who wore casual clothing. Other students were talking about his clothing and how he looked like he hasn't slept in weeks. Then there were girls swooning over both him and Light.

His name was apparently Hideki Ryuuga. He was supposedly a pop star, but he doesn't look like it. But why did I care? Not like I know the guy. I then felt like someone was staring at me again, I looked up to find Light staring at me.

Again? He's staring again? But... Why is Ryuuga staring at me too? Great... I have ANOTHER stalker, this is getting SUPER weird...

Then the two sat down, and everyone was clapping. I clapped along, even though I heard mostly only half of each of their speeches. I looked at the two, it looked like they were whispering to each other.

I nudged Light, which caused him to turn around and look at me.

"I know that we're both acting weird towards each other, but for right now, and until we never see each other again, we can be friends. Ok? But it doesn't mean that I fully trust you." I whispered, but I think that Ryuuga heard me.

"What is your name?" He whispered.

"Hitomi Kobayashi." I replied.

"Well, Light Yagami and Hitomi Kobayashi. I just wanted to let the both of you know that I'm L."

We both sat still in shock, but I knew that we were both freaking out. I mean- Ryuuga being L? Why would he just say that?! That's really taking a risk.

I glanced at him, only to see that he's staring at us. I sighed and turned my attention back to the ceremony.


The day ended, and I started walking out of the university. But I stopped at the sound of my name.

"Hitomi!" I turned my head to find Light, with Ryuuga at a close but respectable distance away from Light.

"What's up?" I asked.

"Want me to walk you home?"

"Light, you asked me that many times already. The answer is still no, not until I trust you completely." I said, smirking a bit.

"Ok, well I have to go." Light said with a sigh as he walked off.

I saw the shinigami fly behind him. I didn't notice him earlier, I guess because I chose not to care if he's there or not. I'm quite used to it actually.

"Hitomi Kobayashi," I turned my head to Ryuuga, "would you like to accompany me for coffee and cake?"

I narrowed my eyes. Why would he want me to go with him?

"Sure.." I said, uneasy.

"Follow me."


We sat in a cake shop, they gave us both a slice of strawberry shortcake and coffee, which was at L's request. We sat down near the window, and I took notice of the way he sits, kinda reminds me of a frog. I also noticed how he didn't wear any shoes, he was barefooted... Totally normal... But then I noticed shoes on the floor next to him, at least he has shoes with him..

"So, Miss Hitomi Kobayashi-"

"Just call me Hitomi." I interrupted.

"Of course, Hitomi. I see that you are friends with Light Yagami." L/Ryuuga said.

"Well, Ryuuga.. Even if I am friends with Light, I don't trust him 100%..." I said.

"Oh? And why's that?" He asked.

"I... I think Light could be Kira.." I whispered.

"You think so too?"

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"I also believe that Light Yagami could be Kira." Ryuuga said.

"Does Mr. Yagami know about how you suspect his son as Kira?" I asked.

"He knows. But I believe that he thinks that I stopped suspecting his son. I wouldn't tell him that I still do." He said.


"Does he know that you suspect Light?"

"I never told him. I don't want him to know." I said, crossing my arms.

"Hitomi? Would it be ok for you to go to Headquarters?" Ryuuga asked.

"Headquarters? Where's that? And why?" I asked.

"I want you to help me on this case. Will you help me, Hitomi?" Ryuuga asked.

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