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(y/n)'s POV

Light let me enter the house first, with him following behind me.

Wow... What a gentleman..

"Mother, I'm home." Light said.

"Oh Light! You're-"

A woman, I guess it was his mother, appeared in the hallway. She looked happy at first, but then she looked surprised when she saw me.

"Oh! Hello miss! Who are you?" She asked me.

"My name is Hitomi Kobayashi. It's nice to meet you..." I trailed off.

"I'm Sachiko Yagami, Light's mother. I'm so happy that I finally get to meet you!" She smiled as she gave me a hug.

I politely hugged her back.

"Light has told us about you, and I'm glad that he has such a good friend." Mrs. Yagami said, guiding Light and I to the table.

"Well, Light and I recently have started talking, Mrs. Yagami. But I've been in his class all year." I said, flashing a smile.

"What? Why didn't you say anything about her, Light?" She asked, turning to her son.

"Well.. Um-"

"It was basically a typical girl-meets-boy kind of way, or... I just accidentally bumped into his desk and knocked his things over. Of course I apologized and he said that it was ok, but I guess our story continues from there," I looked at Light with a fake smile, "Right, Light?"

"Oh, yeah I guess you can say that." Light said, giving me a smile and a little chuckle.

Tch... Innocent till proven guilty..

"Hey Light!! You're back!" A young girl shouted as she towards us and hugged Light.

"Hey Sayu. We have a guest, meet Hitomi." Light introduced me

"It's nice to meet you, you're really pretty." Sayu said.

"It's nice to meet you too and thank you, Sayu, I think you're pretty as well." I said, which earned me a huge smile from the young teenager.

After the introductions, we headed into the living room, then we heard a door open and close. We all turned our heads towards the hallway, which we were met with a man in a suit, wearing glasses.

"Hi dad." Light said.

"Hello." His father said.

His father then saw me, which made him look surprised.

"Who are you?" He asked.

"I'm Hitomi Kobayashi, it's nice to meet you." I smiled.

"My name is Soichiro Yagami, I work on the task force here in Japan." He introduced himself.

"Oh yeah, I heard about you. You heard about Kira, right?" I asked but then stopped myself, "Oh sorry, I shouldn't be talking about that."

"It's quite alright. So, you're interested in the Kira case?" Mr. Yagami asked.

"Oh! Um.. Yeah.. I actually want to work on the task force when I get out of college, maybe help here and there when I'm in college. Maybe, help trying to caught Kira and find out who he is." I said, avoiding Light's stare.

"Hm.. I'll take that into consideration." He said, looking interested.

"Thank you." I said, smiling at Mr. Yagami.


The rest of dinner went fine. So, now I'm walking home.

"Hey! Wait up!" I turned around to find Light and his shinigami running after me.

"L-Light? Why are you here?" I asked.

"I wanted to walk you home, it's dark out and who knows what people would do to you if they saw you." Light said.

"I can take care of myself, Light. I know that I'm a girl, or a woman, but I do know how to fight back." I said, starting to walk away.

"Hitomi!" I felt my arm being grabbed.

"Light! Let me go!" I shout at him.

"Why do you act different around me?" He asked.

"A couple of reasons, one of them is how you have a shinigami flying right behind you like you're it's mother." I said, trying to release his grip.

"Took you long enough to notice.." He said, I swore I saw something change in his eyes.

" He said, I swore I saw something change in his eyes

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His eyes... They f-flashed red!!

"Light, let me go." I said, my voice sounded shaky.

Stay calm, (y/n)... Stay calm..

"Do you think I'm Kira, Hitomi?" Light asked.

"No I don't, I just met you. How could I think you're Kira in just a few days?" I pointed out.

"Yes, that's true." Light says.

"Well, now I know that I don't have to talk to only you, Light." The shinigami spoke.

"I also noticed you staring at me, along with Light, today." I said, trying to cross my arms, but remembered about Light's grip.

"Totally not creepy."

"I can't help it that you catch my eye." Light said.

"That is total bullshit. But even so, what's his excuse?" I pointed with my free hand at the shinigami.

"I technically don't have one. I get bored you know, sitting in that classroom, being ignored by Light, and you guys having those boring lessons everyday. You're the only one that does something to keep me entertained throughout the day. It's nice to at least watch you do whatever you do, especially since you don't pay attention." The shinigami said.

"Well I don't need to, especially since class is basically teaching us what to do for homework that I already did. By the way, do you even have a name, that would make my life easier!" I said, trying to shake out of Light's grip, "I'm seriously about to call out rape.."

"It's Ryuk, and Light, just let the girl go." The shinigami said.

"Fine," Light said, turning around and walked away, "but don't think that I'll stop thinking that you suspect that I'm Kira, Hitomi Kobayashi."

I feel like I just escaped death's grasp.. But... Shit! He knows! He knows that my name is an alias!!!

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