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(y/n)'s POV

It felt awkward once everyone left. Ryuzaki was the only person in the room with me, just like the night before.

"Ryuzaki, I'm sorry that I hit you.." I apologized as I stood up from the bed.

"(y/n), it's fine. It was an appropriate reaction to what happened." He said, sighing afterwards.

"Judging by that sigh, I don't think that you think it was an appropriate reaction. It's just.. No man had touched me or held me like that before... I didn't know how to react.. Gomenasai...." I muttered as my attention went to the floor.

But I felt a hand on my shoulder, quickly snapping my head up to look at the person. It was Ryuzaki, he stared at me like he did ever since we met. I felt my cheeks heat up at the physical contact.

W-Why is my heart beating like this..? It's not painful but.. It feels nice.

"It's alright, I told you that, didn't I?" He asked.

"Y-Yeah.. But Ryuzaki-"


My eyes went wide.


"I told you that I trust you. You passed my tests, (y/n)." Ryuzaki- no.. Lawliet said.


"Say my name."

"L-Lawliet.." I felt my heart skip a beat along with my stomach containing butterflies.

Isn't this how girls act around guys they-

I turned that thought off completely. I just met Lawliet... I can't like him already!!

"That sounded nice coming from you." He smiled at me.

Don't smile like that...

"Well, I'll let you get ready. Light is coming and I'm never late so I'll leave now, goodbye for now, (y/n)." Lawliet said, before leaving my room.

I snapped out of it once the door closed.


I sighed as I got out new clothes, deciding that tonight I'll put everything away. I pulled out new undergarments, along with new clothes, I didn't wanna look too formal, especially if Light's gonna be there. Also, I'm in college, I'm not going to  dress formal everyday, I already have the uniform.

I made my way to my bed and placed my clothes on it. I started to lift up my shirt from the day before, so my torso and close to my bra was showing. I then released my shirt when I realized that I was being monitored, I face palmed myself and looked around the room so I can glare at a camera. I quickly made my way to the bathroom and locked the door.

That's one way to be a pervert..

I quickly changed into my (f/c) shirt-sleeved top, along with my (f/c) shorts. I decided to change things up a bit, so I put on (f/c) thigh high socks with my boots. I probably looked stupid but I didn't care today, especially since Light is coming.

I made sure to lock my door with the key, which I found on the coffee table, not that it really mattered. I walked over to Lawliet's room, dreading the fact that I'll have to refer to him as Ryuzaki and not his real name.. But Light's there, who is the one prime suspect out of the entire team on this case, well to Lawliet and I. I came up to the door, knocking on it as I prepared myself for my first day of work.

"Come in."

Of course he had to answer...

I opened the door myself, surprised that I wasn't at least greeted by Watari like I was yesterday. I looked around the room to see everyone from yesterday there, with an increased headcount.

"Hello, Hitomi." Light came up to me.

"Um... Hi, Light." I responded.

"At least look a bit more happy.."

I gave a fake smile, but my mind wandered to what Lawliet would- SHUT UP BRAIN!

"Better?" I asked.

"Somewhat, but it can't be helped since we have to be serious right now." He said.

My eyes wandered to the shinigami beside Light. I felt chills going up and down my back, it made me shiver, causing everyone's eyes to fall on me.

"Are you alright, Hitomi?" Matsuda asked.

"Y-Yes I'm fine." I said, looking at him with another fake smile.

"Well let us go to the other room." I turned to look at Lawliet.

"Other room?" I cocked my head to the side.

"Yes, just follow us Hitomi." Yagami-san as they all left the room.

I just followed in suit.


We ended up in a room that had gray walls all over it, it has the staircase that we just walked down from but other than that... It looked like a prison cell, even though it had desks and computers. So, maybe more like a warden?? I don't know..

"W-Where are we?" I asked.

"This is where we always go to when we work on the Kira case." Light told me.

"Kira.." I murmured.

We then snapped our heads to the screen on the desk, there we saw the news. I walked over and sat in a random chair, wheeling myself to the screen. I peered at the screen and what I saw made me want to break down and cry.

"This just in! Kira has killed one of Japan's most greatest businessmen, (b/n) (l/n)! In newspapers, it has been told to the public that he has returned from America to visit someone here in Japan. Now, whoever he was visiting, must-"

I stopped listening as I looked at the cause of death.

(b/n)... He died of jumping off a building.. Committing suicide, I know that he wouldn't have done that. Kira... I know you have done this...

I stood up from my chair. I stretched my arms in the air.

"Hitomi? Are you-"

"Hitomi.. Maybe you shouldn't start work today." Lawliet said.

I glared at Lawliet, how can he say that? Especially since MY BROTHER has been killed?! This just added fuel to the fire...

"If I can't work now, then what was the point in asking me to help catch Kira, Ryuzaki?" I spat at him.

He didn't know that what he said would make me upset. I'm not sure if he realized that I found out that my own brother died because of Kira. I really did feel like breaking down, I wanted to scream but I couldn't because I know that Light's here in the room. He's killing these people-

I snapped my up to look at the men in front of me.

Light... He's doing this to find out which victim's death would trigger something inside me. He wants me to break, so he can take another step closer to finding out who I am. He wants to know who I am.. He'll kill people who defy him, or even the ones who are innocent to find out who I am. He's on thin ice, because my brother was the only one who seemed to realize that I'm alive and that I don't want money, I just want my family. But I won't have that anymore, my brother is dead and I can't bring him back.

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