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(y/n)'s POV

Light took me to a nearby park. It was full of Sakura trees, along with its petals floating around us, fluttering to the ground.

"It's beautiful here, Light." I said as I took in the sight.

"I had a feeling that you would like it. Come, let's sit down." Light responded.

He gently took my hand, in which I became stiff. He chuckled at my reaction.

"That's a cute reaction, has a boy not touch you like this? Like holding your hand?" He asked me as he led me through the park.

My mind wandered to Lawliet and I that night. I had so many questions pop up but only one was answered. That was if things would be different after we kissed, and of course they were. But why wouldn't it? It's not like you just kiss someone just as a joke... Right?

"Not really." Was all I said.

"Anyways, I wanted to talk to you." Light said as he sat down on a bench.

"I'm well aware of that." I said as I sat down next to him.

Silence filled the air for a few minutes. Curiosity was eating me alive, I was silently praying that Light wouldn't try to get me to tell him my real name.

(y/n) (l/n)... Two words that I have to keep hidden in order to stay alive.

"I have a feeling that something's going on between you and Ryuzaki." Light laughed.

It sounded genuine. How can he..? I'm actually scared, if he thinks that Lawliet and I are together, then he'll try to use it to his advantage.

"No, nothing is going on actually. He's just looking out for me, and I can't really say the same for you.." I looked at the ground, "I guess it's because I have my guard up. I don't want to say or do the wrong thing, it's like playing chess, you make one wrong move and it can cost you the entire game. It's how I feel with the Kira case, I don't want to say or do the wrong thing..."

"Because you're opponent will call checkmate and kill." Light finished my thought.

"Yeah, exactly. I don't want anyone else to get hurt, like I understand that Kira targets criminals.. But.. I just hope he realizes that even if he does kill every criminal in Japan, heck even the whole world, a new criminal will always be born. I just hope that they have some common sense to not get killed right now. I just wish Kira realized that life is precious, and taking it away.. It's kind of sad. Don't get me wrong, it's not a bad thing to get rid of the criminals, it just makes life easy for us, but seeing people die... It just reminds me of how we'll all die someday.. You know what I mean? It makes me think of how much time I have left."

I released a long sigh that I didn't know that I was holding back. I then felt myself get pulled into an embrace.


"I just thought you needed one."

"Y-Yeah... I did.." I choked out my words, not wanting tears to fall.

It's been rough for me ever since (b/n) died. I can't call him anymore to tell him how school's been, the last time I called him was to tell him I got into To-Oh University. I couldn't even say 'I love you' to him anymore. I couldn't even tell him about me working on the Kira case, working my way up to being an officer or a detective. The fact that I returned the hug from my brother's killer makes me feel like I betrayed a lot of people, including myself, and especially (b/n) . Lawliet hasn't been talking to me like how it was before, I couldn't go to him without making things awkward..

"I'm here for you, Hitomi." Light whispered in my ear.

If you were really there for me, you wouldn't have killed my brother. You wouldn't be killing all of these people..

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