⇝ 1.7 ⇜

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OK! Just to let you know, I think that for the rest of the story, Light's going to be a bit of a yandere. I feel like it's starting to fit him now that the story's progressing, go figure he's Kira XD Anyways, onto the chapter!!


(y/n)'s POV

I woke up early the next day, obviously to leave for the university. I went next door to go see if Lawliet was up, but I was greeted by banging and loud shouting.


"Nothing is going on, why are you so mad?" Lawliet?


I was sick of Light trying to interrogate Lawliet, so I barged in.

"DON'T INTERRUPT- H-Hitomi?" Light eyes went wide when he saw me.

"Light.." I looked around, only to see that Lawliet's place was trashed.

"Why would you do this?"

"Hitomi, I.."

"Ryuzaki," I said as I ran over to help him up, "you have bruises all over you."

I glared at Light, I then decided to challenge him.

"Light, you looked like you were ready to kill Ryuzaki," I looked like I was ready to kill Light, "I DON'T WANT TO SEE YOU EVER AGAIN!!"

He was shocked, why does he look shocked? He better stop trying to fool me with his stupid facades... But he looks genuinely hurt.

"Hitomi, please, I-"

"Why are you so persistent? I heard what happened, you think we're dating? Why do you care, you have a girlfriend. You can go to her!" I shouted, as I stood up with Lawliet.

Light then stormed out and slammed the door behind him. I released a sigh as I stole a glance at Lawliet.

"You didn't have to help me, I could of taken care of everything." He told me.

I made him look at me, I was angry at his words, but I kept calm.

"Do you think you can go to our lectures today?" I asked, my voice was filled with concern.

"I'm fine, it's alright."

"It's obviously not alright, you were both fighting.. What gave you the idea that it would be fine?" I was on the verge of tears.

"(y/n).." He whispered my name as quiet as he could as he pulled me into the bathroom.

We both knew that Light was listening. We knew he slammed the door, but we knew he was listening, he didn't walk away. When Lawliet closed the door, he immediately pushed me up against it.


I was cut off with Lawliet's lips on my own. I kissed him back and that resulted of my legs getting wrapped around his torso, with his hands on the back of my thighs.

"He wants you.." Lawliet whispered into my neck, "but you're mine."

"I'm not property, but I'll let it slide just this once." I laughed a bit.

"You are mine, not his. He'll never have you, that's something, I think, we can both agree on." He said as he looked at my face.

"Why would I let him have me? He has a girlfriend, but it's obviously that he's not even interested in her, it's a one-sided relationship between those two." I said, not too loud to be heard.

"Glad you paid attention, so I'm not the only one who noticed, but he does somewhat care about her for someone who's not interested." Lawliet said as he put me down.

"Hey," I said as I cupped his face in my hands, "let's not worry about him, I don't want him to cause problems when we just started dating."

"I know." He sighed.

I gave him a peck before I started to make his bruises look a bit better and clean the little cuts he had. Once I was finished, he looked back to normal.

"There's the Lawliet I know and love." I said as I kissed his cheek.

I heard him groan in response. Someone likes my kisses, I laughed at his groan and I was given a glare.

"Come on, we're gonna be late!" I shouted at him as I grabbed his arm and ran out the doors, leaving a confused Light behind in the hallway.

I knew he was eavesdropping, tch... Stalker alert.


I sat in class as the professor was going on about his lectures. He wrote the homework on the board, so that's what I've been doing the past 20 minutes. I managed to finish before the  bell rang, signaling that lunch rolled around, meaning the end of the day for me and some other classmates. Of course those other classmates included Lawliet and... Light...

I grabbed my now finished homework, as we were all about to leave, the professor stopped us.

"I would like you all to know that we will be having a week or so off, we will continue this the Monday after next week. Now, go enjoy your lives." We all nodded as we left.

That's more than a week but I'll take it.

"Hitomi." I turned around to find Lawliet walking towards me.

I let out a small smile, resisting the urge to give him a kiss on the cheek. It's really unfortunate that we have to keep everything about our relationship a secret.

At least I get to spend time with Lawliet.

I then saw Light walk towards us.

... And we have to work on exposing this dirty brother killer.

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