C2. Dorm

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Ayano watched Erina intently, the young examiner had just swallowed a spoonful of Apricot Rice and was in deep though. Finally, after a few more minutes that felt like eternity, Erina clears her throat, stating, "Hirashima-san. Your dish... Is disgusting!"

"Oh shit. I've done it now. Mom and Dad, I'm so sorry that I've only made it this far.."

Ayano was so shocked about the answer that Erina had just given her. "Why?" She demands, looking at Erina's unique colored orbs in anticipation.

"I did say that the main ingredient is egg, correct? Your dish's main ingredient was Apricot. And on top of that, it feels like sitting on a dirty, sticky mud puddle in the storm!" Erina points a finger at Ayano, "You've failed the exam, Hirashima-san."

Nodding her head, Ayano then smiled at Erina, "Thanks for correcting my mistake, Nakiri-san. I'll be sure to make use of it in the future!" She bowed in her presence.

Then their conversation was interrupted by footsteps from the other chef.

"The exam ends here," Erina flips her long blonde hair, turning around when she took one single glance at the dish made by the boy Ayano has yet to know.

"This isn't even worth considering," the blonde was about to walk away, but the boy was persistent. Ayano just watched the scene in front of her behold; from when the boy, Yukihira, served his dish, then added the toppings that made transformed the dish into something completely new. And when he was rejected by the examiner.

After his loss, both him and Ayano exited the room without a word with each other, it's not like they know each other. "Now that I think about it, Maeda was gone when I passed my dish. Maybe she ditched the exam when she realized something. Oh well, we weren't really friends, so she probably didn't want to be with me anymore.."

"Hitoshima, was it?" Yukihira started, keeping his hands in his pocket, continuing to walk without sparing a look at Ayano.

"Not quite, but close. And your name is Yukihira, right?" Ayano inquires, her hands were locked behind her and she was inspecting the place she was in, noting small things here and there so that she would make good use of it next time.

Yukihira chuckles, "You've got my last name right. I'm Yukihira Souma," he redressed, then finally eyed Ayano's features.

And just like that, Ayano returned the look he gave. Everything was like in slow motion in movies Ayano sometimes watched. It's their first time actually looking at each other face to face; since earlier they were too busy with the exam. But now, it was like the world didn't matter when they looked into the eyes of the one in front of them.

The atmosphere they had was broken because they heard a desperate voice a few feet away from them. "Hello! Hello, can you hear me?! Mama!~ That Nakiri Erina was the examiner!" Souma and Ayano faced forward, looking at a boy. He was on his phone, crying his eyes out while snot was falling form his nose, "My luck was too bad! It was impossible! I'm going home now!"

And as if noticing their presence, he was shocked to see Souma standing behind him. "Yo-- You are... It can't be.... You passed Nakiri Erina's--"

"Ah, it seems it was no good.." Souma scratched the back of his neck, reminiscing the time when Erina denied his dish not too long ago.

After that they, Ayano and Souma, resumed walking until they reached the gates of the school.

"This is where we part, Yukihira. Maybe we'll meet again in the future," Ayano shows a weak smile to Souma.

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