C23. Officially Dismissed

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Ayano's Point of View

What a great way to start my day.

About an hour ago, Isshiki-senpai had called me from my room, telling me to get ready because I was being called over by Senzaemon-sensei.

I have a bad feeling about this, so I was nervous the whole way there.

"Don't be nervous, Hira-chan," Isshiki-senpai tells me, trying to calm me down with his usual closed eye smile.

".. It's hard not to be. Why am I being called over? Isn't there still about a week and a few more days before the Elections?" I questioned him this time, turning my head so that I could face the second year that is also my dorm mate.

"Mm, I can't really say, Hira-chan," the second year answers back, but I was still suspicious about him.

Isshiki-senpai always works behind the scenes being the seventh seat of the Elite Ten, so I am sure he knows at least one information or two. But if he doesn't want to share it with me, then I guess he doesn't or really can't tell me.

With a sigh, I let it go, and wait until we both arrive at Senzaemon-sensei's office.

About twenty more minutes later, we finally arrived. Isshiki-senpai escorted me where the office was, and I entered alone.

"Good morning, Senzaemon-sensei," I greeted once the door was closed and it was just him and I alone in the room.

I neared towards his desk, just standing up in front of him.

"Hirashima Ayano, due to the request of your parents, they have told me to dismiss you from the Elections."

What?! Did I just hear right?!

"My parents?" I echoed back, almost raising my voice, but I held my tongue back.

"Yes," nodded the head of the Nakiri family, "I am sure you have been told that you are going to marry Aldini Takumi in the future? They are merely preparing you for that, and thus they told me to dismiss you," Senzaemon-sensei explains to me in a calm manner.

"I cannot accept this!" Without warning, I had raised my voice already, not able to contain it any longer, "They know- my parents know that I do not want to! I am not marrying Takumi!" I declared, fuming out of anger.

"Hirashima Ayano," the call of Senzaemon-sensei makes me stop ranting, "I believe you are thinking the right thing. You may decide your own fate, I assure you that that is the right thing."

What he said stunned me.

Is he legit giving me advice? As in, to disobey my parents?

This is too cliché.

"I am not telling you to disobey your parents," Senzaemon-sensei tells me while chuckling, as if he read my mind, "However, you should talk about this with your parents with your goal in mind."

My mood lifted instantly with what the older had told me. It's true, I don't have to disobey my parents, I can just persuade them that I can do it alone!

With a small smile, I nod my head at Senzaemon-sensei, then I bow my head deeply in return. "Thank you so much, Senzaemon-sensei. I will keep your words in mind," I tell him, then stand back up straight.

"You are officially dismissed from the Elections, and from this meeting," he says, gesturing for me to leave.

I nod my head once again, and headed towards the door.

Once I was out, Isshiki-senpai was still there.

"Hey, Isshiki-senpai, did you know about this?" I asked the second year as we both walked out of the building.

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