S4. Summer

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A/N: there is no end note in this chapter bc i dont wanna ruin it hahah. Just a warning tho, this chapter is 4k words long. So have fun!


Hirashima Saito loves many things; books, food, birthdays and many other things that don't really need to mention. He loves his family, and his girlfriend, too. Though, sometimes, disagreements can't be helped with loved ones.

"What happened?" Ayano asks her brother whilst they both sat on the chairs of the back room of the restaurant. She saw the agitated look on his face, that never meant a good sign. She's dealt with angry Saito before, it wasn't good.

The younger Hirashima releases a heavy sigh. He takes off his glasses, and pinched the bridge of his nose. "Krista and I had a fight," he fesses up sadly. 

"Tell me about it," Ayano presses on, grabbing her cup of tea from the table to take a sip. One look at her brother, she stops him, "Actually, don't tell me. I don't want to be apart of your drama."

Saito puts his glasses back on. "Have you and Souma-nii ever... Had a fight before?" When the question leaves him, he looks at his sister and knew the answer already. This makes him sigh again.

"What do you expect?" Ayano retorts back a question, "We rarely personally see each other. And now he's much more busy than ever."

"He's a member of the elite ten, if I recall?" Saito asks again, just closely watching his sister.

Ayano hums, "Seventh seat."

"You've been busy, too, Ayano," when Saito pointed this out, he notices the frown on her face that meant something was up.

The female held her cup of tea tightly. ".. I know. It's been tough here in the restaurant."

And so the siblings had a long conversation. Saito had strayed away from thinking or even talking about his girlfriend. It placed him in a bad mood, so he was glad that he and his sister could have a nice long conversation about her and her boyfriend and how they've been.

He finds out that Souma hasn't been texting her lately because he was obviously busy. She doesn't have the time, either, to call him during the night to have their routinely evening conversation over the phone. All they could even text each other was either a good morning, goodnight, and a how was your day

The information saddened Saito. He knew that long distance relationships are quite difficult, but he knew that all they needed was tons of communication. They have to make up for most of the time that they don't see each other.

"Maybe you should close up early tonight," Saito suggested politely. The least he could do for his sister that left school to take over their restaurant was to help her with matters he could help in. 

"I can't do that," Ayano protested with a frown on her face. 

"Yes, you can. You need to fix this problem with Souma-nii," he mentions seriously to her.

"What do you know about problems? You and Krista are.." When Ayano couldn't say anything about her brother and his girlfriend, the words were stuck in her throat. That would be going too far for her.

Saito smirks, "See? I'm totally right."


Papers. There was nothing but paper on the table. It was sickening to look at. Sooner or later, one of them would want to tear it all to pieces.

Some of the second year elite ten members were inside the room. Nakiri Erina, Hayama Akira, Arato Hisako and Yukihira Souma were all helping with paper work.

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