S8. New Years

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A/N: as yall can see, this doesn’t follow the whole plot of the manga/anime, just to clear up any confusion or what. Btw, will address the charas with their first names now :)) and!! this is almost 10k words aaahsiwhjw pls enjoy!!


The end of the year was soon coming to a close.

Usually, the students of Tootsuki would be at home and celebrating with their family and loved ones. However, that isn’t the case with the Elite Ten and most of the students of the Polar Star Dorm.

“Hey, hey, everyone!” Yuuki rushes down the staircase of the Polar Star Dorm rather enthusiastically.

The young chefs pause whatever they were doing and gave all their attention to Yuuki. At times like these, they know better than to ignore her, especially during the holidays where they may have a bit too much free time on their hands.

“Has everyone packed for the trip?!” The auburn haired chef’s question has her peers throwing her confused looks. “Have you all forgotten our most awaited trip yet?!”

No one was the least bit excited when they remember what she was going on about. After all, being students of Tootsuki gave them privileges that no ordinary student would have. A trip to Fukuoka is nothing compared to their gruesome but thrilling adventures for the past years.

“If you are pertaining to the tickets we received for the resort in Fukuoka, then yes I have prepared.” Hisako is one of the unbothered ones, already done with the task that she’s suppose to do. “Erina-sama, I’ve packed some of your things as well,” she lowers her voice to talk to the blonde beside her who was reading some documents on a device.

“It’s going to be an amazing trip!” Yuuki resumes to hype her peers in hopes of having them join her enthusiasm. “This doesn’t have to do anything with school works, too, so it’s the perfect time to unwind for the holidays!”

Takumi, playing a game of cards with Akira, hums in agreement. “I suppose we do deserve this long awaited trip.” He goes back to focusing on the game while Isami watches the two eagerly, biting back down a snigger as his brother makes a move that he shouldn’t have done.

“Fukuoka has a new branch of my favorite.” Ikumi flips through her magazine smoothly, humming to herself. “I guess it wouldn’t hurt to go.”

“Of course!!” Alice is cheerful as ever, smiling as if she knows something they don’t. She pats on Ryou’s head on her lap, untangling some knots here and there as she giggles. “They have a shopping mall that goes underground! Ryou-kun, let’s go there!”

Shun openly chuckles at Ryou’s incoherent response. He knows the aide has no choice but to follow, though everyone knows he wouldn’t leave his girlfriend running amok a huge place by herself.

Yuuki finishes her descend down the staircase and goes to the back of the couch where a particular redhead sat down quietly. His eyes are glued to his phone, as if waiting for a call from someone. He’s too focused that he doesn’t even notice Yuuki peering at his phone. The redhead is blankly staring at a contact number named My Aya.

“Yukihira!” Yuuki huffs near his ear, earning a startled yelp from him. She pretends not to notice the way he hides his screen from her point of view. “Have you been listening to us talking about the trip? Everyone’s excited!”

Her words are obviously a test. Souma is almost successful in pretending that he knows what’s going on.

“Uh, yeah, that’s cool.” He shuts his phone off and pockets it, standing up to his full height. “I’ll catch ‘ya later, Yoshino. Gotta do something.” He doesn’t even wait a response and resumes to climb up the stairs to his room.

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