C22. Meeting the Brother

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Saito's Point of View

We, my sister and I, are on our way to Tootsuki, her school.

It was nice to get out of the house for a change and travel, even though it meant leaving my girlfriend behind because she has her duties to fulfill as a maid. I don't go out of the most of the time, because I don't really know where to go, and my parents won't allow me.

Those thoughts aside, I was quite thrilled to meet Ayano's friends from school. I get to meet the people who has been there for her, when I was not, including this guy who my sister likes.

I've been wondering, what is he like? If my sister talks so highly about him, what is his status? If he has skills like that, I'm sure he has a rather unique background.

"Ayano," turning to her, I asked, "The guy you were talking about, can you tell me how is he like?"

The reaction she had was something I've never thought would happen to Ayano: she blushed, meaning she was flustered, about this boy. But she was talking just fine about him earlier at home, did something happen?

Even though it looked like Ayano was quite shy talking about the guy, I didn't stop. I wanted to know more about him.

".. S-Souma, is, well, um.." Ayano stammers, and I wait for her to find the right words.

Stammering Ayano, though? That's new; she's usually quite frank and straight to the point, or she doesn't talk at all. She's really changed.

"Souma is a great guy," started my sister, fiddling with the scarf wrapped around her neck, "He may seem oblivious and rather carefree, but he's kind and willing to help. Sometimes, he's selfless, and would throw away everything just for something or someone, but that's what makes him himself.."

Ayano then stops, and I hummed, nodding my head in understanding. This guy, Souma, isn't really bad.

"I see," that was all I managed to say, and I moved my attention to the buildings and tress and everything we were passing by outside of the window.

I want to protect Ayano; and if I have want to do that, I have to see this Souma guy. I trust what Ayano had told me about this Souma person, but I'll have to see it for myself.

Ayano had never really had a crush on anyone, or so I think, because she was too focused on cooking; she really wanted to make our parents proud, so she did her best. She would always follow what they say, she loves and respects them too much to say no and protest about it.

However, in the near future, I have this feeling that that will change. Now that Ayano has found someone she loves and respects more, to the point that she'll disobey our parents, it's a fact that something is bound to change.

Thoughts like these make me remember Krista. She'll tell me something like "You've been reading too much novels, Saito!" or "You're thinking too deep about it!"

I miss her, but it'll be all worth it for my sister.


About two hours later, when the sun has already set, we've arrived.

"Just act natural when everything seems to be out of place, Saito," advised Ayano to me, giving me this look that tells me that I should just trust her.

I nod my head, though I was suspecting what she had meant. It's making me anxious.

Getting out of the car, my anxiousness and suspicions seem to grow.

My sister has been living in a place like this?! It looks so scary, and like it hasn't been cleaned for months or years, even!

Before I could even protest, I was already being dragged by Ayano closer to the scary and scummy looking place.

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