S5. Her Birthday

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A/N: Question: will anyone be interested in a Takumi X OC fic?

Anyway i tried to make it nsfw but failed 😅 tho i think its kinda cute. This is 3.5K words long, so hope yall enjoy!


"Are we doing anything next week?" Yukihira Souma questions as he barges inside the room. He looked much more better ever since that visit from Ayano a few days ago.  He did better with the paper work, he was much more enthusiastic.

All members inside the room shot him a curious look. What was he trying to get to now?

".. Something might come up," Isshiki answers for everyone else with the usual smile on his face.

"You got any plans?" Hayama asks curiously, lifting an eyebrow at the redhead.

"Sort of. Where's Arato?" Souma looks around the room, looking for the pink haired assistant of Nakiri Erina.

Hayama sighs, "She's with Nakiri. Need something?"

"Well.." He rubs the nape of his neck, "I kinda need your help with something."

Everyone inside the room felt their stomach twist. What did Yukihira Souma need help with? 

".. It's Aya's birthday somewhere next week," Souma began to explain, looking up at the ceiling.

"Oh, that's right!" Isshiki agrees whilst nodding his head.

Nene Kinokuni narrows her eyes on the redhead. "What does that exactly have to do with us?"

And so Souma tells them his thoughts about the event. He wanted to surprise her, but wasn't sure of what to actually do. It seemed so out of character of him to ask, but he really wanted to do something for Ayano because she's been through a lot ever since they were first years.

Hayama shrugs his shoulders. "Can't you just ask her what she likes, and then get it for her?" He suggests plainly.

Isshiki chuckles, "Have you tried that with Arato-kun?" He muses almost all too dangerously for the second year.

Kinokuni sighs heavily at the two. It seems like there always someone in the council who liked to banter with another. She had enough of Eizan and Kuga during her first and second year, and now Hayama is the target of Isshiki to tease from time to time.  It was like a never ending cycle, something the council is known for.

"What does Hirashima need the most right now? You should start with that," finally, the braided female answers the question.

And so the brainstorming began..

In the Hirashima Household

"Take the whole day off. No, the whole week."

"Dad, I can't just do that!" Ayano protested tiredly to her father.

Right about now, the two siblings were discussing with their father the plans for next week. Koutarou has been suggesting that Ayano should take a break from her restaurant, and he'll take it from there.

Saito inhales, exhaling deeply afterwards. "You need it, Ayano," he deadpans seriously.

Ayano stares at him as if he was crazy. Of course, he wouldn't know how she feels. He isn't the head of the restaurant their mother had left behind. Though she stopped herself from saying that.

The last thing she needed was to quarrel with her brother.

"Have fun. Enjoy your youth," Koutarou says this, and Ayano shot him a look this time. "I could pay for all your expenses. Do you want to go to another city? A beach? Or maybe fly to another country?"

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