C19. The Return

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A really special thanks to ILoveMyths2003 for voting and commenting on the previous chapters!

A really special thanks to ILoveMyths2003 for voting and commenting on the previous chapters!

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Before they all knew it, summer break was over, and they all were back at Tootsuki once again.

Students who were chosen for the preliminaries were making their way to the stadium. Some were nervous, some were excited, but each and every one of them was determined to pass the preliminaries and make it to the real competition.

Ayano enters the large stadium, looking around in awe. The place was huge, much more than the normal Shokugeki stadium she has seen before. Just by seeing the place had made a bubbling feeling arise in her stomach, excitement.

When the brown haired female spots her childhood friend, she approaches the female, and offers a meek smile to her, "Hey, Ikumi. How was your break?" Ayano casually starts a conversation, mentally patting herself on the back for having confidence.

".. I-It went well, I guess," with a tint of pink dusting her cheeks, Ikumi replies, averting her eyes for a second. "But how was your break?" She then returns the question, "I heard you were at Italy for two weeks."

Confirming with a nod, the brunette answers, "Yeah. I even met two students here in Tootsuki while I was there," she commented in the end, leaving out the name of the two students who she had grown quite close to.

"Really?" Ikumi was then quite envious, hearing that her childhood friend had made even more friends. "Were they nice to you--"

"Oh, it's Nikumi! And Hirashima as well!"

Hearing her last name coming from him sent shivers down Ayano's spine, and she clears her throat to compose herself.

"H-Hey.." The blush was once again visible on her face, and Ikumi shyly waves.

Ayano, on the other hand, just nods in acknowledgement, making Souma frown for a fraction of a second.

Changing the subject, Souma grins, "Nikumi, you and I are on the same block, right? Let's go through this together."

"To-Together?!?" Surprised by his choice of words, Ikumi blushing bright red. "Idiot, we're enemies!" She protests, "S-So I'm not going to lose to you this time!" She yells as she runs off, leaving Ayano with the other Polar star members.

"Hirashima-chi!!" Yuuki, excited and very happy, hugs Ayano tightly, "It's been awhile, I missed seeing your face!"

"Me, too, Yoshino," Ayano agrees, having no choice since Yuuki was clinging onto her for dear life.

"Ayano-chan, how was your break?" Megumi, looking refreshed, asked her dorm mate, smiling like usual.

"I heard you went to Italy! Did you bring any souvenirs?!" Yuuki then asks loudly, detaching herself from Ayano.

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