C4. Shokugeki

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"Ugh.... I fell asleep, huh?" Yuuki grumbles as she rubs the sleep from her eyes. Smelling something, she yawns while crawling on all fours, "Eh? Yukihira-kun is cooking again.."

"I wonder if he's still hungry.." Ryoko questions herself, her back was leaning on the bookshelf while looking at nothing in particular.

"It seems like a cooking showdown.." Ibusaki utters in a hush voice, keeping his hands in his pockets.

"So, Ibusaki, you were awake that whole time?" Ayano inquires the male, turning her body so that she was looking at him.

"... I woke up just before," he replied and the short haired girl nods her head, not saying anything in return.

Having it registered in her mind, Yuuki looks directly into Ayano's sky blue eyes, "Wait, their having a showdown?! Why?!"

Sighing, the girl answers, "Was a challenge from Isshiki-senpai.." Yuuki and Ryoko were silent, muttering comments among themselves.

"In this case, we don't need to say anything about his attire?" Yuuki gestures to Isshiki; he was sitting still, waiting patiently with only his apron.

"Come on everyone, it's done!!" Souma appears once again, setting down a few plates for his classmates who'd like to give his dish a try. Ryoko, Yuuki and Ayano go closer to the round, wooden table, peeking to see what was prepared for them to eat in the middle of the night.

"Hirashima, do you know what's poured into it?" Ryoko asks, glancing behind her shoulder to come in contact with the brown haired girl.

"From what it smells like, I think it's salted kelp tea. Isn't that right, Yukihira?" Ayano turned to gaze at the maker of the dish, he only nods in reply, sitting on the floor while waiting.

"Jeez! If you make something like this, it'll obviously make me hungry!" Yuuki whines, rubbing her stomach as she stared at the food. Nobody responded to her comment, but dug in the food instead to avoid wasting time.

"Let's taste the dish that'll be judged by Isshiki-senpai.." Ayano gulps the food in her mouth, and her eyes widened at the taste of the dish. They all started saying their comments about the dish, but not Ayano, she had different things in mind while listening to the others blabbering.

Looking at Souma secretly, she eyed him. "Yukihira, just who are you?"

Isshiki gazes at Ayano questionly, "Hirashima, don't you have anything to say?"

Hesitantly, she swallows the lump on her throat and stared at the food only to avoid all contact. "I.... It's good.."

"Heh, it wasn't much!" Souma grins, removing the white headband on his head and reattaching it to his wrist.

When Ayano was done eating, she placed the bowl down. "Anyone up for dessert?"

"Eh? Hirashima-chi, you can still go?" Yuuki gasps at Ayano's decision.

"I can't lose to Yukihira and Isshiki-senpai. If it's theme is spring then I'm all set!" Ayano stands up and jogs out of the room, tightening her scarf while she was at it.

Ayano enters the kitchen with a bag in her hands, she drops the ingredients in the table and starts preparing. The dessert wasn't really considered as a dessert, it was more like a midnight snack instead; because it would be bad if they were still full when they woke up, so Ayano settled with something easy.

She remembered it like she left her home yesterday, she told herself that while she wasn't in class she would be trying dishes herself for self training. But now it seems like the tables had turned because she wasn't making it for herself, it was for people who would judge her cooking; a test to be precise. And when it came to these, Ayano didn't like being left out and sit on a corner, Ayano took this as a time to show some of her skills to them.

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