C7. First Assignment

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Ayano's Point of View

We're already inside the Resort Hotel's Banquet Hall, there was a empty stage in front and looking at it made me more nervous than I was. Sure, I went to several hotels before, but this is grand; as expected from Tootsuki, though.

The silence in the room didn't help either, there were some people I recognized, Erina and her assistant, ms. whateverhernamewas, Maeda and Mito was among the crowd of students. I was walking with Yukihira by my side, we haven't really spoken much but we were comfortable with each other.

"I wonder.... How many will survive this hellish camp?" I asked myself, curious as to how many students will be able to endure the hell the camp will throw our way.

"Oh?" Yukihira perks up, "Oh!! It's Nikumi! C'mon, Hirashima, let's go talk to her!" The redhead gestured to the tanned female from a distance. "Heh, it's been awhile, huh? How's it going?" He casually greets Mito as if he wasn't nervous at all. Just what kind of creature is he?! Isn't he nervous at all??

"Y-Yukihira!" Mito turned around, looking flustered as she acknowledged his presence. I, being the quiet little shit I was, just nodded my head, letting her know that I greeted her, too. But she didn't seem to mind me, her face reddened just by seeing the boy beside me.

"Yukihira," I tugged on Yukihira's sleeve, and he shot me a confused look, "Aren't you going to drop that nickname? I think Mito-san is getting annoyed by it," I tell him and he shook his head, laughing a bit, "Eh? But I do have her permission. Right, Nikumi?"

Mito fumes in embarrassment, "Hah?! Like hell you do!"

Murmurs resounded the hall, things about Yukihira and I being transfer students, but I just ignored them so that it won't get to my head later on.

"Be careful, Hirashima and Yukihira," Mito warned us, having a serious look on her face.

I nod at her, meaning I understood what she meant but Yukihira didn't get the warning, not even a single bit of it.

"Hm? Why--"

"Good morning, ladies and gentlemen. Pay attention to the stage," Chapelle-sensei arrived, holding a microphone in his hands, catching the attention of all of us students. The teacher then explained things about the training. "And about the judging, we invited guest lecturers."


"As busy as they are, they gathered her just for today. They're Tootsuki Academy's alumni. They are the geniuses that won through the one-digit passing rate!"

Chefs walked towards the stage, they were mostly people I didn't know, but I could name a few; like Inui Hinako, I've heard her from my parents before, Shinomiya Kojiro is actually famous so probably a lot knows him.

"Hmm.... You on the ninth line starting from the front," Shinomiya-senpai says, holding his head high. I instantly froze, the stare he was giving me made me want to die because it was scary, but I only furrowed my brows in confusion. "The girl with the scarf.... Ah, sorry. You, the next one to her," Shinomiya-senpai moved his stare to the other boy beside me and I let out a--quiet--sigh of relief, I would melt because of his intense gaze!

"That's right. You. You're expelled."

My chest tightened at his order. What if it was actually me? Then I'd be expelled for who the fuck knows!

The students start to panic a bit because of this scene, but I was only relieved that it wasn't me who was expelled.

"Your hairdressing product has a citrus smell, that may overshadow the food's aroma. Being stylish is a must, if the person who makes food is out of fashion the food won't have any sensuality. But starting next time, pick a scent-free hair liquid," He instructs, raising a finger and a light smirk was on his lips.

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