C17. Leave

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For the previous chapter, thank you phoenixfire1127 for voting!

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"Stay safe, Megumi," beaming a bright smile towards the female, I tell her as I was about to leave the Polar Star Dorm. I already had my luggage with me, and all I had to do was wait for the chauffeur to arrive and fetch me.

"You were leaving today, Ayano-chan?" Was the confused reply of Megumi, she tilts her head to the side, face contorted in confusion and sadness.

"Yeah," I forced out a chuckle, touching the green scarf wrapped around my neck; even though it was summer, I didn't want to leave and not wear the scarf, it had reminded me of so much things I didn't want to forget. "You're also going back, right?" I added a question, indicating if she was going back to her hometown.

Nodding her head, Megumi hums happily. And with a quite flustered look, she utters, "M-Maybe I'll bring back something for you all! And I'll be safe here, with Souma-kun and Isshiki-senpai!"

Was she embarrassed about herself bringing back things for her friends? I don't think she's suppose to be, but she's Megumi, so I'll let it slide.

"Sure. I'll also try doing that," giggling, I tell her, finding her face quite cute. Megumi blushes often, and that habit of hers still hasn't left her ever since we've met.

Suddenly, I feel the urge to just hold her. So I did. I took two steps forward, and wrapped my arms around her. "I'll be gone for awhile, I'll miss seeing your face," telling her my honest feeling made me light, as if I was a different person. Sure, I was honest sometimes, but openly telling her that I'll miss her without any hints of teasing or whatsoever.... Was heartwarming.

".. I'll miss you, too, Ayano-chan!" Replied Megumi, and I hear her sniff. Was she seriously crying?

Laughing, I unwrapped my arms around her and ruffled her hair, "Work hard, Megumi," whilst saying that, I smiled again and picked up my belongings.

"Hira-chan!~ What about your favorite senpai??~"

"Nope!" I laughed, suddenly feeling energetic, "Not today, senpai!!" I exclaimed, running towards the only exit of the room.

But of course, Isshiki-senpai was much more faster and athletic than me. Even though I sometimes work with him in the garden at mornings, I was really never that much of a runner to begin with.

"At least a goodbye message to me?" The second year chuckles, his hands on his hips, very determined to get what he wants, or he was just playful this morning.

"To you?" I echoed, laughing dryly. I would, if I wanted to, but I didn't feel like it. I only said goodbye to Megumi, because she was the only classmate here at the dorm, the rest had apparently left yesterday while I was at the Shiomi Seminar or this early morning. "I'll pass, thank you very much," with that being said, I tried to get through him.

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