C12. Karaage Wars

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It's been weeks after the busy, hellish training camp. The students in the Polar Star Dorm is busy with their own things, as usual. And a certain brunette was sitting on the staircase of the dorm while reading a book in her hand.

"Hira-chan!~~" Isshiki cooed to the female, he was with Souma. Both males were talking until they saw Ayano in her place. Ayano looks up from her book, removing one ear bud from her ear and furrowed her eyebrows together.

"Hirashima, why are you here? Aren't you suppose to be in your room and not here?" Yukihira, who was with Isshiki at the moment, asked with a slightly concerned tone.

Ayano puts the book down, "Nope. I'm just waiting for someone to arrive. I'll be going home for awhile," she explains shortly. Her phone beeps and she stands up, "Ah, speak of the devil. Someone has come to pick me up. I'll see you guys in awhile, yeah?" Ayano gave a short wave and left.

Several Hours Later, At The Hirashima Household

Quietly, Ayano closed the door of her room to not make any sounds because her parents didn't know that she was coming, and her younger brother was somewhere with his friends so she was alone at the meantime.

"Wow, now that I think about it, I'm actually really lonely here at home," Ayano tells herself. There wasn't any herd of animals running around the halls, no explosions or an old woman nagging. Everything was different from before.

After sitting and doing nothing on her bed, a knock came from her door.

"M... Mistress Ayano?"

Ayano hums, stands up and opens her door, "Yes?"

A maid was outside while fidgeting with her fingers, "U-Um...! M-Mistress Ayano, there's a phone call for you..." The maid said and Ayano looked really confuse, who the hell would be asking for her? Nobody knows the phone number of the Hirashima Household, and if someone did why would they ask for her?

"Did you ask who it was? It must be from a stranger who wanted to prank call me," Ayano said in high alert. She didn't like it when kids do that to her, but she did it when she was younger; it was funny and all but it wasn't very nice when it was the other way around.

"No! The boy was named Yukihara or.... or something like that," the maid was unsure of the name so she shied away.

Ayano laughs, now knowing who was calling, "Alright. I'll be going," she says and followed the maid who showing d her where the telephone was placed.

When the phone came in contact with Ayano's ear, she clears her throat, "Hirashima Ayano speaking. Yukihira, is that you?"

A sigh was heard from the other side of the line, "Ah, Hirashima. Good to know that you still remember me," Souma joked and Ayano only rolled her eyes even if she knew that Souma couldn't see her.

"Anyway... How do you know this number? Nobody knows it except for the friends of my parents," going straight to the point, Ayano keeps a straight face on as she asks.

Souma chuckled, "About that, Nikumi helped me. She said that you and her could help me with some things I need."

"Okay. I'm free whenever you need me. So, what is it?"



"-That's what happened. So I need you and Nikumi to help me with a few things about the karaage. I think Nikumi won't agree if you don't, though.."

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