S7. Christmas

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A/N: yall should enjoy this 5.7K words. I went a little overboard hehe..


Planning in advance had been one of Ayano's best trait ever since she got a boyfriend. She planned out Valentine's Day, that surprise visit during Souma's Graduation day, and even making a plan for Souma's birthday a month before.

Yet after all this time, she's stuck. Ayano isn't sure what to do with her boyfriend to celebrate Christmas. 

"Why don't you bring him over?" Saito then suggests to his sister simply.

The brunette looks at him, pondering on the thought. It isn't such a bad idea, but she's not so sure how it'll be for Souma.

"It's worth a try," Saito says. "Meeting your boyfriend's dad would be cool, too."

Ayano shot him a annoyed look. She hated most of the time that Saito seemed much more experienced than her. They started dating almost at the same time, more or less, so how come he knows more than her?

Saito just sighs at her. "The reason why I have many ideas is because Krista and I talk a lot," he explained, "She and I have plans for the rest of the month beginning next week."

"And that is?" The sister lifts a brow in question at his so called plans.

"I know I'm young, but that means I have a whole lot of time in my hands. Krista and I will be going out a lot, but she'll finally have dinner with us. I'll meet her family, too. She wants to go sightseeing, so I agreed, and also--.."

"Stop," Ayano raises her hand to signal him. "You've seriously planned everything?"

Saito shrugs his shoulders, "Give or take, yeah? We know what we want to do, so we'll just stick to that."

The female between the two doesn't say anything in return. She blankly stares at the wall, thinking of how she should spend her Christmas.

"You know.." Saito began slowly, "You can just talk to Souma-nii about it. I'm sure he wants to spend more time with you, too."

"I know he does. We both do," Ayano says with a heavy sigh. 

"Have you ever asked him what he wants to do? Maybe he would like to do something you haven't thought about yet," this time, Saito's tone is polite and calm. He's genuinely giving advice to his sister.

She nods her head willingly. "Alright. I guess you're right. I'll go talk to him."

As Ayano stood up, Saito grins, "You can thank me later."

"Shut up."

Ayano picks up her phone from the coffee table, and then quickly went up to her room to make a phone call. She knows that Souma isn't as busy as he was when he was a first year. He only had paper work, classes and maybe a couple of Shokugekis to worry about.

There's a few moments of silence, awaiting for an answer. When the redhead picks up, Ayano almost releases a sigh.

".. Wassup, Aya?"

His greeting is so Souma it just makes her smile.

"Afternoon, Souma. I'm doing fine. How are you holding up this month?"

"Usual stuff. Classes are hard, but nothing I can't handle."

"It must be exhausting. I can tell you've been dozing off."

"Yeah? Tadokoro and the others tell me the same thing."

The name has her heart squeezing for a split second. Yes, they've discussed about it and everything, but she's a little bit uneasy sometimes.

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