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Ayano's Point of View

It's been months since I've seen Souma and the rest of my ex-classmates back in Tootsuki.

The restaurant has really made an impression in the reopening. And after that, I've really been busy with managing the restaurant; like the menu everyday, handling the customers or some mishap my workers have done, the budget and all those stuff that I thought I had to handle about two or three years from now.

But now, experiencing it right in the moment, I think I'm quite prepared even with the little amount of training I've had in Tootsuki.

Night time had already fallen, customers and my workers alike had already went home. As always, I stayed to close up the restaurant; it's been a routine I promise to do unless I had to do something urgent, because I still kind of don't trust my workers to lock up the restaurant.

So, anyways, as I was about to lock the front doors, my phone buzzed in my pocket.

Quietly, I grabbed my phone, looking at the message sent by my... Boyfriend.

Souma and I still kept in touch, of course. I know everything about what's going on in Tootsuki, but he says to not worry much about it and that I should focus in working, since he'll do his best to handle what he can with the other students.

10: 53 pm
From: Souma
You look cute wearing a skirt ;)

Obviously, this piece of information made me blush. I was just about to type a response, but he beats me to it.

10: 54 pm
From: Souma
Turn around Aya ;)

Just as the message says, I turn around.

To my surprise, it wasn't just Souma who was behind me. Polar Star Dorm students and also the Aldini siblings, Ikumi, even the Nakiri cousins and their aides were there, too.

"What?" I couldn't believe my eyes, so I stared at them, blinking.

Of course, they didn't disappear at all.

"Too handsome for you to handle?" The voice of Souma makes me return to reality, and cue the blush on my cheeks because of this.

".. Shut up," were the only words I could say, still not quite believing if this was a dream or a reality. I thought they were too busy with defending themselves at Tootsuki? Since when did they even have the time to do this?

"How rude, Ayano. I thought you had better manners than this," behind Souma, I see Takumi, him using his usual sassy like tone.

I couldn't help but roll my eyes, yet the smile on my face didn't falter.

"Right, right," agreeing, I turn around again to face the doors, opening them wide, "Come on in. I'm sure everyone is freezing from this cold weather."

Everyone shuffles right in, and I enter last behind Souma, closing the doors behind me.

"So what brings all of you here in my place? It's totally far from Tootsuki, or wherever the hell you guys were for the exams," I tell them, making sure that the doors were locked so that unwelcome guests won't arrive soon enough.

"Well," one of the cousins, Alice, began, mischievously smiling, "You know that I have my ways. I love the thrill of doing something adventurous," she giggles a bit at this.

The idea of them escaping using about two Nakiri limousines comes to mind immediately. I couldn't help but sweat drop.

"We have a short break. And Souma-kun couldn't stop talking about wanting to see you in real life," Megumi pipes in, sheepishly smiling behind the scarf wrapped around her neck.

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