C8. Megumi's Expulsion

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A moment of silence fell upon Maeda and I. It was very frustrating and nerve wrecking at the same time.

"... The Hirashima Ayano and Maeda Naomi pair.... Has passed!!"

I instantly smiled at the result of my-- our dish. "Yosh! Hirashima, we passed!!" Maeda cheers giddily and I cackle a short laugh at her.

"Yeah. I guess we did, Maeda. And it's all thanks to you," I tell her modestly.

"Ehh?? But Hirashima, I can tell that you added something else to make the ramen taste improve," Maeda replied, the cheery demeanor she had a second ago was now gone.

I move aside so that Maeda and I won't make Inui-senpai feel uncomfortable because we're talking quite loudly in front of her.

"And if I did? I must say though, Maeda, I didn't know that you'd actually notice it," I crossed my arms as I confronted her. Curiosity was getting the best of my emotions right now, how did she exactly detect that I added something else?

Maeda clears her throat, "When I placed the vegetables on the side of the bowl, I saw tiny bits of something. I wasn't quite sure what was it though.."

"Ginger," I straight forwardly answered the question she was longing find out.


"The Takumi Aldini and Isami Aldini pair has passed!!"


On cue, I snap my head behind me to see Aldini and his partner fist bumping each other in satisfaction. "That guy again.."

It took a few seconds for him to realize that someone was openly looking at him. And when our eyes met, I averted my gaze into the other students. I know that he didn't probably bought the act, but it was worth a try anyway.

Aldini didn't say anything to me at all and I knew that luck was on my side that day.

Forty Minutes Later

I stared at the very built men who were flexing their arms shamelessly. Fuck, I hate these kinds of people.

Chef Sekimori explained what we had to do; make fifty meals for these buff fuckers then we can make our own dinner. What a huge letdown.

"Yoshino, fight!" I teased my fellow dorm mate. She was having her moment, a drama because she thought that we were all gonna have a luxurious dinner tonight, and the rest of our nights here.

Chef Sekimori then announced that we only had an hour to prepare fifty meals or else we're expelled.

I stopped myself from rolling my eyes and tightened my scarf, starting a second early than my panicking classmates around me.

"Well, they don't call it the hellish training camp for nothing..."

Before I knew it, I was done with the fifty dishes without noticing.

"Hirashima Ayano has finished fifty meals."

I wiped the sweat on my forehead and slightly bowed at the men and chef Sekimori, then I was off.

I decided to skip dinner because I packed some snacks and went to take a bath instead.

When I was inside, I was surprised to see a familiar blonde still in the bath. "Nakiri-san?"

Nakiri-san turned to look who called her name, "Hirashima-san..."

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