S3. Graduation Day

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Time flew by so quickly, almost like a breeze. Before they all knew it, their graduation day is nearing. It only felt like yesterday wherein Yukihira Souma made that grand speech about taking the top at Tootsuki, him having battle after battle thrown at him so that he would be able to take the first spot.

And here they are now, so near to end another chapter of their life and to begin a new one right away.

The first years had practiced more times than they could count, courtesy of Arato Hisako. Though, at this moment, almost everyone is rushing in the Polar Star Dorm.

"Megumi, Megumi! You're suppose to be getting ready again for your speech!" Yelled Yoshino Yuuki as she ran through the halls of the dorm, finding for the blue haired female.

The amber haired female almost bumped into someone as she ran, but luckily found her footing once again and resumed her search for her dear friend.

Kurokiba Ryou, the person she almost bumped into, clicked his tongue. It was always rowdy in this dorm, he knew, it just surprises him that it can be even more rowdy.

"Has anyone seen Yukihira-kun?" That's Arato Hisako, holding her clipboard as usual, "I need to make sure that his copy of the speech isn't the wrong one; the one with threats of being at the top.."

Nakiri Alice, searched for the redhead, easily spotting him in the middle of the living room space. She climbed down the stairs, just about to call his name. As she lifts her head up, her eyes see past his shoulders, and at the screen of his phone.

Her eyes widened at what it displayed, that she almost tripped. Luckily, she didn't, and opened her mouth to make an announcement for her peers to hear. "Hirashima-chan is calling!!" She exclaims, striding nearer to the redhead.

".. Huh?" Confused, Souma glances at the female behind him. He wanted to answer it and all, he just didn't know why Alice had to announce it like that.

"Answer it, Yukihira-chi!" Yoshino calls from the next floor, dragging Megumi with her as she ran.

Soon, every first year gathered around Souma as he answered the call from his girlfriend.

"Hey, Souma," the said male put it on speaker for everyone around him to hear. "I called to ask if everyone is alright? Graduation is tomorrow--"

"Hirashima-chi!" That's Yoshino, obviously. The female already imagined the face of her dear friend that she hasn't seen for a long time now.

"Oh.." Ayano then giggles from the other line, "Hey, Yoshino. Who else is listening?"

"Basically the whole gang," Souma says as he looked around him, seeing the familiar faces he's grown used to the entire year.

"Then Takumi is there, too?" At her question, everyone pushes each other to have the particular blond near towards the redhead so that he'll be able to be heard.

".. He's here now," Souma then nudges the male a bit to let him know that he can speak up.

"Don't be shy, nii-chan," Isami snickers from behind, making some laugh.

"Don't laugh at me, Isami!" Exclaimed Takumi, flustered.

"Not even a hello, Takumi?" Ayano then spoke, silencing everyone. "No texts, or even a phone call--"

"I thought you were busy--"

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