Christmas A/N MUST READ

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Ayyee wassup fellow readers!

Good morning/afternoon/evening to you, wherever you are!

So anyway, as the title says, I just have something to announce and it's important if you really are looking forward to the special chapters of this book :)

Yeah, as I mentioned in the epilogue, there are special chapters and I'm currently working on them slowly.

It's our winter break at the moment, so I'm using the time I have to type and think of the special chapters.

This will be my last update for the year. The next update will be around next month, so that all I have to do is publish the chapters without much worries.

Do y'all catch my drift? 😅

My plan is to post the special chapters next year, so that it won't be a hassle for me to rush and all that.

I'll be back in school on January 8, so the special chapters will be randomly posted. Before school, somewhere after school or maybe even the following month.

Please don't forget that I still do have a life, and problems. Wifi is one of them, so I'll only get to post if I have the time to do so.

I hope you readers understand 😊 thank you for continuing to support Special to Me until the end!

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year everyone!

If anyone has questions, either ask in the comments, or just pm me. I swear that I'm a nice person, I'm just a awkward and smol potato bean.

Till the next update, everyone! 😘😊💕

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