C14. Announcement

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"Oi! Hurry up!"

"C'mon, we're making a run for it!"

"Their finally announcing it!"

That day, the participants for the Autumn Election were officially announced!

The students, all nervous and excited, were in front of the board. All looking for their names.

"Seriously?! I didn't pass!"

"Hell yeah! I'm in, how 'bout you?"

"I guess it's a good thing I'm not chosen.."

"Oh no... I'm participating...."

Sakaki Ryouko

Yoshino Yuuki

"Alright!!! We're in!" Yuuki squeals and hugs Ryouko happily. The dark haired female almost fell, but luckily caught her footing.

"O-Ouch! Hey, watch where your touching!"

"That's nice. You both were really chosen," Ayano stood nearby the two, smiling gently as the breeze blew a few locks of her hair.

Ibusaki coolly walked towards the three with Souma by his side, "Then that makes seven people in our dorm."

Another person, someone Ayano didn't take a liking to, slips inside their happy circle; sort of ruining the mood of Ayano. "Hmm.... It seems to me, that we'll have a showdown first! And it's before we even have a Shokugeki!"

"It's that Aldini guy."

"Oh! Nikumi is also here? Ah! And Takumi, too!" The redhead said, "Let's all do our best!"

Takumi quickly scolded Souma about things Ayano doesn't care about.

Takumi Aldini

Isami Aldini

"Ikumi, how's the Don you were making yesterday?" Ayano inquired from the blonde.

"Good. When I added some salt it was better than before. S-So... Th-Thanks for the advice," Ikumi voiced her thoughts rather shyly in the end; being helped wasn't really natural to her so she needed a bit of time to get used to it.

Mito Ikumi

Nakiri Alice

"Anyway, someone is trying to surprise you right now," Ikumi warned, tilting her head a bit to the side and peeked at the girl who was slowly walking behind Ayano.

"Eh? Who would it be?" The sky blue eyed girl shifted her head to look and saw Naomi.

"Ah, damn it! You sensed me coming!" The female cursed, stomping towards Ayano with a grin. "Hirashima, how ya' doin'?"

Kurokiba Ryou

Maeda Naomi

Giving a thumbs up with a rather disinterested face was Ayano's response; she felt a bit in danger when she's around Naomi. A feeling was in her gut that trusting Naomi was bad news, so she stuck to her gut and became wary of her since the camp.

"Aw! Don't be like that. I won't do anything bad!" Naomi innocently chirps, clasping her hands together with a signature innocent look.

"Of course you won't," Ayano sarcastically replied, her hands on her hips and her lips in a small pout.

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