Chapter Four: Under Control.

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Jungkook's POV.

"-and then my son Jungkook here, will take over the company." My father's voice bellows and echoes throughout the room. I see many other unfamiliar faces nod their heads as they turn to glance at me. I grip on Hope's arm and pray for them to stop looking at me like I'm one of them. Money-grabbing monsters.

"I have an objection." A skinny blond haired lady says suddenly, shattering the agreements of those around her, and gaining attention. "The boy is only young; he is no fit to run a company such as yours. Maybe you should pick a second in command just in case-"

"SILENCE." Father screams as he smashes his fists onto the table. The sound of coffee mugs shaking and falling over makes me cringe. "He is old enough and smart enough. There will be no objections. He'll be better that Mr Kim ever was! He will make me proud and run this business to the absolute best of his abilities. End of conversation. Meeting dismissed."

The circle of men and women in business suites quickly get up and vacate the room, leaving only my father, Hope and I together. I grip tighter on Hope's arm as I turn to see his give me a small, reassuring smile. He pats my back with his free arm and I smile back at him. 'I'm so thankful I have a friend like him.'

"Jungkook." A dark voice calls at me. I face my fear and look at him.

"Yes father? That is the name you gave me." I smile nervously, voice cracking. He's scarier in person, let me tell you. My father sighs and puts his head in his hands. He looks back up at me and begins to talk again.

"You will make me proud, won't you, Jungkook?" He asks. "You will show all of those people that you can be just as good as I am in this business, right?" I see a flicker of sadness behind his eyes as he continues to look straight at me.

"Y-yes father." I lie, looking down at my lap.

"I'm glad." His voice wavers as he stands up and walks out. The room was coated in a thick blanket of silence as I click the heels black suede shoes together like Dorothy.

"There's no place like home." I mumble under my breath, a tear dripping heavily down my cheek.


Taehyung's POV.

With my silver laptop in tucked under my arm and a caramel macchiato in the other hand, I slowly flop into my desk chair, careful not to smash my laptop into pieces or spill the current life supply I was drinking.

"Okay." I mumble to myself aloud as I glance over my desk. Namjoon had brought the report of Jungkook's 'wear abouts' and behaviours. I push the laptop out of the way and pull the files closer, flicking over the empty front cover.

Lives at: 42 Wallaby Way, 4th Floor, Apartment 10.
Roommate: N/A
Friends: Kim Seokjin, Min Yoongi, Jung Hoseok
Odd Behaviours:
*Takes big steps to avoid drains (Superstitious)
*Doesn't step on cracks in the pavement (Superstitious)
*Stares at the sky (Causing him to trip up a lot)
*Talks to himself (Usually about Mr Jeon and rabbits?)
*Daydreams/Very Curious
*Very oblivious (Easy to follow)
*Stops randomly for no noticeable reason
*Cracks his knuckles (Habit)
*Sings made up songs (Good Singer)
*Chews his lip. (Anxiety?)
Extra Information: Has a noticeable crush on Mr Min and trusts our agent; Jung Hoseok.

"Okay." I repeat again. 'Easy to fool and superstitious, huh? Aish, this is too easy.' I chuckle to myself as I re-read the notes so I don't miss any details.


A familiar sound of dainty knuckles on wood shudders through my empty office.

"Come in." I swivel in my chair and connect eye contact with the eyes of my most trusted companion. I wouldn't call him a 'friend' as we have to stay professional; and he's my second in command.

"Hey Taehyung!" The small, chubby boy grins at me, forming a horizon of adorable puppy fat that cover his chocolate eyes. I've told him before that they remind me of moons, because of how they form into crescent shapes.

"Good evening Jimin." I flash him a quick signature smile before pre occupying myself with the notes again. He parks his butt directly next to my notes and let's a frown break across his forehead.

"What are you reading about?" Jimin asks, leaning over my broad shoulder to check for himself.

"Notes. About Mr Jeon's son."

"Why do you have notes of Jungkookie?" He scans my face with his head cocked in a confused manner.

"Jungkookie?" I say back with a look of disgust as I repeated the word, waiting not so patiently for a bit of enlightenment.

"Um yeah? You know me and Jungkookie went to performing arts school together!" His mood changes quickly as he giggles and lightly punches my arm. "Do you ever listen to me, Taehyung?" He mocks in a comedic way.

"Jimin. I need you to get back in touch with Jungkook."

"Why? We haven't spoken in years."

"Please Jimin." I half-beg as I rake a thin hand through my brown locks. "You know this kid! And what's more, we both know that Hoseok is worse than useless when it comes to this kind of operation."

"What operation? Seriously, Taehyung, I have no idea what's going on!" He says in a serious tone as he stands up from where he was perching. "Tell me what's going on right now, and how Jungkook is involved!"


"Taehyung." Jimin sighs after I finish telling him my plan. "This is evil. In fact, it's worse than evil. You're, like, Ursula evil."

"Yeah, thanks Jimin." I stand up and gather my things scattered across my desk.

"And you want me to help you with your plan?"

"Yes. Please. I need your help."

"Ooh, I like you begging." Jimin winks at me as he grabs my laptop bag.

"So, will you help?" I ask monotonously.

"If it's for you, then I suppose I could. But think about Jungk-"

I cover his mouth with my hand, snatch the laptop bag from his hand and walk out the door before he could change his mind.

"Taehyung!" I hear him whine as I press the button for the lift. I grin to myself as I step inside. 'Jungkook, you'll have no idea what hit you.'


Jimin's POV.

I enter the restaurant the next day, with a huge smile on my face. 'I'm so excited to see Jungkookie again!' I sit down in the closest booth and scan my across my room, grin still prominent.

"Hello sir, may I take your order?" I whip my head round quickly as my smile disappears. My jaw slacks and hangs open, thank god no drool dripped out. I feel my jeans become tight as I shuffle around in my seat. I can feel a beetroot blush covering my face.

"U-um, I'm looking f-for someone..." My voice wavers and breaks to be extremely high pitched. He tries to hide a small smile before speaking again.

"Who are you looking for?" I notice his voice dip lower. 'He's either mocking me or finds me sexy too.' I think to myself, paranoia flashing through my body. I feel really self conscious at his wondering eyes. If he looks at my jeans, I'm screwed.

"J-Jungkook. Jeon Jungkook." I say quickly, bringing his eyes back up to meet mine. He runs his hand through his blonde, fluffy hair and gives me an apologetic, gummy smile.

"He works later on in the morning. Sorry." He continues to stare back into my eyes. 'He must've noticed my blood-red face of shame mixed with embarrassment by now, right?'

"A-ah, well. Thanks for telling me." I go to get up from my seat but he sits down opposite me, putting the palm of his hand on the bottom of his milky white chin.

"Aw c'mon, don't leave me here. I need a cute guy to look at to get me through the day. I'll fall asleep otherwise." He chuckles in a low voice, all most a private whisper. 'And it's for my ears only!' I fangirl on the inside, and try to remain cool on the outside.

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