Chapter Eighteen: I Know.

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{You voted B: Jungkook forgives Taehyung :)}

Taehyung's POV.

"Forgive me, Jungkook." I plead, my head resting on his chest. I felt the beat of his heart racing quickly, ricochetting through his rib cage. "For the kiss, for everything. I don't know what I was thinking."

"Taehyung..." His soothing voice trails off. I look up to see his eyes swimming with tears to match mine. "Sorry," He laughs wiping his tears away with the sleeve of my pyjama top. "Turns out when you cry, I cry too." He smiles at me.

I softly laugh in reply. "Guess so."

After a moment or two of silence, Jungkook spoke. "Taehyung, I want to be grey." He slips his hands into my floppy hair and starts teasing it, running his hands up and down as one would to a dog.

I grinned at him and leaned into his delicate touches, sifting through my brunette locks.

"Will you help me by being the white to my black?" He asks, irises boring deep into mine.

I almost hurt myself holding back my laughter. "That was cringey." I replied, grin almost stretching up to my ears in delight.

"Aish, I'm trying to be sincere here." Jungkook laughs back.

Another silence washed between us, hiding the real question that pierced between us. 'Does he forgive me?' I ask myself, brain working in overdrive trying to analyse everything he had just said to me.

The birds chirped in the distance. They whistled and cooed among the trees opposite the window. I could see the warm, morning sun straining through the gap in the buildings opposite where we lay. The heat was greatly appreciated as I lay my head back down onto Jungkook's stomach and closed my eyes; enjoying the peacefulness momentarily.

Suddenly, all I could hear were stomps of anger raging up the historic, wooden stairs below us. I could practically feel the vibrations of the creaky steps as the noise got closer and closer. The birds had gone silence, the sun seemed extremely overbearing and Jungkook's body tensed uneasily. I sat up, a confused expression glittered on my face as I glared at the door of my bedroom. I lugged myself off the bed and waltzed into the living area, where the front door was. 'Whoever is making that racket has another thing coming.'

I swung open the door to be met with a red, tear streaked face.

"How could you?!"


Seokjin's POV.

I woke up, feeling blissed out for a couple of seconds. I could feel the cool temperature blanket over my body. 'My naked body...'

"AGH! WHAT THE FUCK?!" I scream loudly, gripping the closest form of material I could get my hands on to pull over me. I yanked it harshly and cocooned myself in it; like a burrito.


"Ow~!" A deep, husky voice aches from the floor. "Jinnie? Jinnie, what's wrong?" I poke my head out of a tiny gap to meet the voice. A cute little coconut head pokes up from the horizon of the bed. He sighs and stands up, revealing his naked body too. I squealed and tugged the material back over my face.

"What happened?" I ask quietly, already knowing the answer but my dozy, morning self had decided to have a blonde moment.

"We made love." He paused. "Man, when I said I was going to bang your brains out, I didn't mean it." He laughs throatily, sitting on the edge of the bed next to the chrysalis I made for myself.

"Not funny, Namjoon." I blush, feeling the duvet slowly being tugged off my body. A strong pair of arms wrapped around me instantly and pulled me close to a rock hard chest.

"Hey, do you wanna know a secret?" He asks. My face lights up as I nod eagerly. "I love you, Seokjinnie." Namjoon whispered, kissing the top of my head, body still cradling mine.

"I know." I grin, lifting my head to look the younger in eyes. "I'm perfect."

He pouted, looking like a kicked puppy. "Awh, you're meant to say it back! Meanie..." He jokes, pulling me even closer to him so I was fully in his embrace- feeling every part of him touching me.

"Oh well." I laugh, throwing my head back into his forearm. "I'm kidding Namjoonie, I love you too. I'm so glad you were a klutz and broke your car, or we would have never met."

"I'm glad too." He announces, leaning down to press a loving kiss against my awaiting lips.


Yoongi's POV.

I watched as Jimin walked around outside of my house, muttering to himself.

"Would he be okay if I just walked in?" "Should I phone first?" "Is he still upset with me?" "I bet he still hates me." "He's gonna fall in love with him now." "They had a thing anyway." "I could never compete with him." He sighed and stopped pacing. He kicked a large-ish stone on the road and sighed again. He continued to scrape his converse against the kerb until I couldn't stand his toddler tantrum any longer.

"Oi loser!" He quickly looked up at my open window like a deer caught in headlights. "Get your gorgeous ass up here and love me!" I immediately close the window with a harsh smack and flee to my door to let my shorter boyfriend in. I grin as he knocks at the old wood.

"H-hey Yoongi." He greets me, softly smiling when he sees my gummy grin.

"Hey babe." He blushes at the nickname, looking down at his scuffed shoes.

"Can we talk about something before this goes any further?" He asks, politely, eyes drenched with his best pleading, puppy dog eyes.

"Yeah of course! What's on your mind?" I ask going to grab his hand before he pulls away, slightly.

"Are you still in love with Jungkook?"

[If you want to read the Namjin smut, read the chapter marked 'SMUT #4]

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