Chapter One: Stalker (Part 1).

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Jungkook's POV.


My alarm screeches at me, causing my eyes to widen in shock. I slowly sit up, running the back of my forearm against my eyes. The lights are too bright this morning.

"Ugh, it's Seven o'clock already?" I say out loud to myself, yawning. I scratch my head and continue to sit among the nest of duvet and blankets I had made for myself at some point during the night. Of course I had no intentions of getting up, but I kind of have to- if I want to keep my job, that is.

I sigh as I heave my body off the bed. I stretch my legs out and hear them click. I do the same to my arms. Then my back. Yes I know I'm disgusting, don't judge me. I tip toe over to my wardrobe and grab a pair of black skinny jeans and a beige coloured jumper. I pull them on quickly and heave my black leather work shoes on.

"What's for breakfast, Jungkook?" I ask myself as I hastily make my bed and walk across the wooden floor of my bedroom towards the kitchen.

"Ah I'm glad you asked Jungkook," I higher the pitch of my voice to try and sound like my mother. "We have..." I trail off, rummaging through the breakfast cupboard. "Cookie Crisp." I grin to myself grabbing the white box from the top shelf.

I quickly grab a light blue bowl, a spoon and a pint of milk, before sitting down on the kitchen table. I check the time; it's fifteen minutes past seven; before I eat my meal.


As soon as I enter the restaurant, I feel a hand tug on my broad shoulders and pull me sideways to a booth. I sat down and was met with gorgeous brown eyes and milky skin.

"Jungkook, Mr Kim told me to tell you that you have to stay late tonight. Apparently Eric is sick." My co-worker half-smiled at me in pity. I sighed to myself, I could look at that smile all day.

"Ah, uh, thanks." I blush at the skinny blonde haired beauty as he walks off to clock out and end his shift. Lucky thing, he only worked in the morning! He has all day to sleep. That bastard.

I stand up from the booth, regain myself, and walk through the kitchen to clock in and get changed into my uniform. Today is going to be a long day.


When I am finally allowed to leave the restaurant, I feel another hand gripping my shoulder. Do people not know how to ask for someone's attention instead of scaring the day lights out of them?

"What?" I growl as I turn around. My eyes meet the familiar face of my boss. Shit.

"Ah Kookie, looking happy as always I see." Mr Kim giggled as he lightly smacked my arm.

"Sorry Mr Kim, it's been a long day." I say, sighing, as I pinched the bridge of my nose.

"Jeon Jungkook how many times have I told you, stop with the formalities! We're friends, remember?" I look back at him with a fake blank expression. He gasped dramatically in response as he pretended to be a maiden swooning.

"Sorry Jin. I've had a lot on my mind." I laughed back at him, making sure that I emphasise the 'Jin'.

"Like what?" He pouted, cocking his head slightly in interest.

"Just my dad and the company, and stuff." I shrug, frowning slightly.

"Ohh okay." Jin says back awkwardly. Trust me to make every situation I'm in awkward.

"Well, I better get going." I reply just as awkward as Jin did. He nods at me as I scratch the back of my neck while I smile carefully.

"Good night Kookie. And remember; be safe okay? You know I don't like you walking around this late. There are bad people who would just love to do horrible things to cute, innocent boy like you." He says to me in his mothering tone.

"Ugh get off me, mum. You're embarrassing me." I joke as he starts to grin widely.

I walk past the taller boy and swing open the door. I feel the briskness of the air hit me suddenly. Was it always this cold? I shrug to myself as I walk off into the dimly lit street ahead of me. It's late, so thankfully there aren't any cars around.

As I begin to cross the street-light dotted road, I feel an unfamiliar presence behind me. It's probably paranoia, but... I pivot on the spot to look back at the path I had just walked down. All I can see is the familiar neon pink sign flashing 'EATJIN' in the distance and a row of shops with faded lights and silhouettes of clothing racks.

I shrug again -I think my life's symbol is slowly becoming just an awkward shrug- and I continue to trot back to my apartment. I constantly hear the rustling of leaves and twigs and stray bits of glass breaking, but I don't think much of it. Its probably just a bunny or something. Whatever it is, it must be breaking everything it touches. I decide to call the rabbit 'God of Destruction' even though I can't see it anywhere. I smile to myself as I carry on walking.

Soon I arrive at the flat and go up the lift to the 4th floor. I unlock the door to my apartment quickly with my numb fingers. Ahh, home at last. I shut the door behind me and relish in the warmth of my living room, thanking my past self for remembering to turn the heating on.

"Dad is calling~! You're dadddd is calling~! Pick up the phone, cos your dadddd is calling~!" I hear the cheesy ringtone emitting from my iPhone in my back pocket. I groan as I pat around my ass for the phone. I can never remember which pocket I put it in.

"Hmm whoever could that be?" I snicker to myself as I click the bright green 'answer' button.

"Jungkook?" My fathers booming voice interrupts my snickering.

"Yes father? That is the name you gave to me." I joke back cheekily.

"Don't use that tone with me, boy. I'm calling to inform you of my plans for next Saturday. You are to come with me to a meeting where you will sign for the rights of the company when I die. Invite whoever you want."

"You don't have to be so blunt, dad. Don't say 'when' you die. It makes me sad."

"I'm not one of your bloody Chinese comic book characters Jungkook. I'm not going to live forever and neither will you. I'm making plans now before I'm too old to even remember my own name!" He replies quickly and sharply, sounding angry. He groans in annoyance continues to talk in a more calming tone.

"Enough talk, go to sleep. I shall meet you on Saturday. Wear appropriate attire." He hangs up without me answering. I sigh, hearing it echo through my empty apartment, and I trudge across the room towards my TV. I'm too tired for this shit right now. I plug my phone into its charger next to my PlayStation. I walk back across the room and collapse on the sofa in front of me.

I don't want his stupid company, I'm not interested in being some big-shot manager! It will be lonely and boring without anyone there with me. I think over the situation as I tug at my floppy hair in frustration. I finally, after hours of thinking, let my eyes flutter shut. Before I know it, I'm asleep. I dream of a world where I never have to worry about the company, or my dad, or my job. I dream of peace and happiness. I just hope that someday it becomes my reality too.


I wake up early the next day, with my back throbbing.

"I shouldn't have slept on the couch." I moan to myself.

I heave myself off the couch and walk into the kitchen before I realise something. I grin widely sprinting to my bed, half naked with my arms flailing in excitement, before diving and snuggling deeply into the aqua coloured sheets.

"I don't work on Sunday's." I sing to the empty flat as I drift back into my slumber.

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