SMUT #1: SugaKookie.

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[From Chapter Five]

Suga's Memory.

"Ah... Ah! H-hyung!" The brown haired boy beneath me moaned into my ear as I grinded down onto the obvious tent in his tight jeans. He howled a moan again as he gripped at the bedsheets splayed around us. I gripped at his hips before jutting my crotch to rub against his again.

"Hyung! Please!" He panted, breath hitting my face as he scrunched up his eyes in over stimulation.

"Please what, baby? Tell Master what you want." I command in a deep, husky voice. I grip his hips tighter as the pace of my movements quicken.

"P-please! I need you!" He begged, tears threatening to fall as they collected in his eyes.

"Need me to do what, baby?" I ask, feigning innocent as I let my sinful hands wonder down his body to grip his inner thighs. He lets out a loud moan and bucks his body up into mine.

"I need your cock Master! Please~!" He mewls out to me. I shuffle my hands around his lower half and squeeze his ass roughly.

"If you insist." I deadpan as he reaches for my belt. 'I'm too lazy to do anything at this point, this kid was just a quick shag anyway. I was never gonna see him again. Might as well let him have what he wants.' I push him softly onto his knees and cross my arms behind my head. I give a lopsided smirk as the boy desperately undoes my belt and pulls my Chino's down. He licks his lips, looking at my boxers like a kid in a sweet store.

Without asking permission he tugs my boxers down and instantly attaches his pretty little mouth to the head of my member. I almost moan at the contact, but I won't let him get satisfaction that easily. He gives kitten licks with the tip of his tongue, lapping up the pre-cum that had layered my cock like frosting.

He brings the flat of his tongue to lick a stripe from my balls to the head of my member in a slow but continuous manner. Each time his saliva coats my cock, it becomes slicker and easier for him to suck on. He soon abandons the idea of teasing and takes my dick in his mouth; whole.

He looks up at me with innocent eyes. Something sparks in my stomach and makes my heart leap. 'Nope, there are no feelings here. He's just a kid who wants some of this Min-Swag.' I reassure myself as he continues to look me dead in the eyes, pretty pink mouth still caging my manhood.

"Cmon baby, I don't have all day. Suck." I demand, pushing the palm of my hand on the top of his head. He slowly sinks down, submitting to my push, until he chokes slightly. This makes me grin as I release my hand. He began to bob his head slowly, daring himself to take more and more into his inexperienced mouth. His hollowed cheeks, glinting eyes, tousled hair and plump, bitten lips make him look so sinful and submissive. I let out a small moan as his cold fingers fumble around the base of my dick; the parts he couldn't reach with his shallow mouth.

He moaned at my moan, causing heavenly vibrations around my member, and began using his free hand to undo his zipper of his tight trousers and palm himself.

He continued to suck me off as I finally let go of the emotionless image I was trying to maintain. I let out a growl and groan deeply, encouraging him to speed up his motions to help me reach my peak. I noticed that he had already come in his pants, but was still palming himself desperately, craving the friction. He continued moaning as I tangled my rough hands back into his disheveled hair. He lets go of my cock and uses both hands to brace either side of my bed beside me. He knew what was coming.

I kept my hands tugging lightly at his hair as I slowly thrust into his sinful mouth. He gagged at every moment, causing me to feel slight remorse. He pulled himself closer to me, forcing my cock to hit the back of his hot, overused throat. All those thoughts left quickly after his throat began opening and closing around my manhood. I moaned and began quickly thrusting back and forth into his mouth, chasing my euphoria.

Soon enough, the familiar knotting feeling boiled in my abdomen and I knew what was happening. I pulled out of the kid's mouth and used my hands to jack off quickly. Still moaning, I realised that he sat back on his heels and opened his mouth wide, inviting my cum to drench him. I sped up as he came in his pants again, whining and groaning.

I came finally with a shout and sprayed the boy's tanned face with about 6 delicate, white ribbons. He licked his lips and smiled at me.

"Thank you." He whispers hoarsely, sore throat obviously preventing his speech. My heart jumps again. 'Aish, what am I going to do with this kid?'

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