SMUT #2: YoonMin.

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Jimin's POV.

"You're sure you want this, baby boy?" He asks me softly, looking for absolute permission.

"Yes." I reply. I let out a breath that I didn't even realise I was holding in.

"Because once I start," He laughs, in a deep tone, "I won't be able to stop." He admits, his grip on my chin forces me to look at him, dead in the eyes. His brown eyes look clouded and murky from an assortment of lust and desire. I gulp and nod, completely submitting to him.

"Good boy." He praises me as he takes a step closer towards me. Lifting me up onto a sink, he spreads my legs apart and shoves his own body between my knees for easier access. He leaves open mouth kisses across my jaw and down my smooth, untouched neck. He massages his fingers into my forearms, soothingly. I stifle a moan and try to squeeze my thighs together, forgetting Yoongi was standing in between my legs.

He must have felt my desperation because he stops kissing me and looks up. His eyes meet mine again. "Excited already, are we? You virgins really are the best." He chuckles, lacing one of his hands into mine -pinning it to the mirror behind me- and the other securing my waist.

"I-I'm not a-a virg- mmfph!" He crashes his chapped, succulent lips onto mine, cutting off my ability to speak. I wrap my free hand around his neck as he sucks harshly under my jaw. 'It's defiantly left a mark.' I think as I shut my eyes tight, trying not to lose my dignity too quickly. He licks teasingly at the spot where he had just sucked. I whimper and tilt my head in the opposite direction, begging him to leave more marks on me.

I try to stutter out my request. "Yoongi please can-"

"It's Daddy to you." He growls, pulling my legs further apart.

"D-daddy can you go slow?" I beg him. He smirks in reply, not giving me a clear answer purposefully. He turns his attention to my already hard erection, straining through the tight red trousers I was wearing. His smirk gets wider as he brings the hand from my waist to undo my zipper. I lean my head back against the cool mirror behind me and let him take whatever he wanted from me.

"Look at you. All laid out for me like the submitting bitch you are. I bet you're enjoying this, huh? About to get fucked in a hotel bathroom by a guy you only met yesterday." I gasp and jolt forwards when I feel his cold, long fingers slide into my boxers and grab harshly at my hard-on. He teases me, pumping up and down a few times at a pace that I could only describe as being agonisingly slow. He runs the rough edge of his thumb across my slit and I scream, thrashing my legs around; only to be pushed back up against the hard wall behind the sink.

He picks me up and walks quickly over to the hotel bed. He places me down among the clean, white sheets and looks at my flushed, desperate state. He hovers above me.

"Tell Daddy what you want." He commands. 'I bet he's enjoying himself.' I think before giving in to my desires.

"I need you, Daddy." I admit throwing my arms over my eyes in embarrassment. He peels my arms away and pins them either side of my head. I force myself to look up at Yoongi. He kisses me, pushing his tongue into my wet coven and immediately taking dominance. His tongue roams and explores inside my mouth as I moan in satisfaction. He practically rips off my trousers and boxers and let's me wrap my arms around his neck, deepening the kiss. Suddenly he pulls away from me, leaving a delicate string of saliva connecting us. I tug at his t-shirt with a pout, noticing how I was half naked and he was still fully clothed. He chuckled, understanding my gesture, and he takes off his shirt. I stare in awe at his milky white skin. I instantly move forewords and begin to leave kitten licks and butterfly kisses across the chiselled, sharp edges of his abs, moaning softly. He grabs my ass, forcing my head further towards his perfect skin, and starts massaging each cheek causing my moans to become broken and messy.

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