SMUT #4: NamJin.

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[From Chapter Eighteen]

Namjoon's POV.

As soon as we stumbled into my apartment, we were both practically naked already. 'What can I say? The lift took a good thirty seconds that I didn't have to spare.' I pushed him, not too harshly, up against the back of my door to close it. I instantly attacked his neck with my expectant lips. His back went flat against the wood behind him, submissively as I left a trail of teasing butterfly kisses up his smooth neck and along his sharp, defined jawline before journeying down to his flat, toned chest.

A soft moan escapes his plump, bitten lips, encouraging me to bite down harder at the suckled flesh; desperate to be doused in my love-bites. He grips feverishly at the back of my head, tanned fingers slipping into my hair. He yanked my hair softly with every kiss I placed upon his god-like body. I continued to worship him, my right leg sliding its way to lock his knees apart. I slowly rubbed my kneecap up and down against his semi-hard erection. I stopped kissing once the moaning increased. The grip in my hair became tighter as he tried to pull me back close to snog him.

"Nuh huh Jinnie, don't be desperate." I laughed, watching him struggle to punch me as I pinned his thin wrists against the door with my larger hands. I stooped rubbing so I could lean forwards. My lips brushed up against his earlobe. "I'm going to fuck your brains out." I whisper, rolling his black ear gauge in between my teeth. He whimpers defensively, making no real attempt to get out of my grip.

"Please- ah~!" His words cut off from a moan as I suck and lick behind his ear.

"What was that?" I grin.

"Please just hurry up and fuck me!" He says desperately, throwing my teasing off course as he clashes our lips together. Lust drowned the air as we continued to kiss hungrily. He allowed for my tongue to invade his mouth. As we continued to lock lips, I grabbed his perky ass; not caring about teasing his anymore; and squeezed his firm globes in my rough palms.

"Ahh~!" Jin shouts, pulling away, a thread-fine line of saliva connecting our lips. I continue to grope his cheeks as he moaned and bucked his hips up automatically. Our crotches met and we both felt the pleasure that had riled up get even stronger. Simultaneously groaning, we clung to each other, dry humping our cocks together in some kind of desperate manner. I couldn't take this torture anymore as I lifted his light body up off the ground. He wrapped his legs around my hips, leaning down to suck at my exposed collarbones as I guided us to my bedroom.

Kicking the door closed with my foot, I delicately placed my angel onto the bed in front of me. I had to take in his appearance before I went any further; it was just so aesthetically pleasing. He had just flung his trousers off and was laying sprawled amongst the navy blue, tangled sheets of my un-made bed. His head was thrown back, giving me an amazing view of the black-berry covered pathway along his neck. His nipples were erect and surrounded by goosebumps, caused by the cold and the pleasure. But, his boxers were leaking and looked uncomfortable. I guess I had to sort that out right away, can't have it ruining my aesthetic.

I quickly walked to where he lay, and bent down to give a comforting kiss against the bulge, standing prominent against his tight, pink boxer-briefs.

"Joonie, I need you inside me now." The brunette begged before remembering his manners. "Please~!"

"Anything for my princess." I replied, hurrying to my bedside draw. I sifted through the magazines I had stored in there before my fingers met with the cold bottle I was searching for. I quickly pulled it out and popped open the cap. I could hear moans and pleads drizzling from Jin's sinful lips as he touched himself. I looked at him straight in the eyes as he continued to drag his hand from the base of his cock to the dripping tip.

"You've done this before right?" I ask, wanting to make sure that I wasn't about to destroy his innocence or anything.

He nods. "Finger myself every week." He grunts out, still physically performing EXID's Up and Down on his member.

I wriggle his boxers off and use my free hand to try and spread his legs. He opened them for me, completely trusting me with helping my struggles. I smile lovingly at him as he continues to let high-pitched noises bark from his mouth. I thoroughly coat my middle three digits with the lube, rubbing it with my other hand to warm it up. Once it was a more slick, warm substance, I pushed my first two fingers into his pink hole. I was surprised to find how tight it was, considering he does this every week. I scissored my fingers slightly, not wanting to hurt him. I moved them around more, causing him to squirm and fall silent. 'No, no, no this won't do.' I grin to myself, hatching my evil plan. I stop my movements altogether and watch a frown fall upon Seokjin's face.

"Why did you- AHH!" He practically screams as my fingers locate that special spot. I pressed down on it again, hearing his groans and moans increase once more. While he was busy in heaven, I slipped in a third and began pumping in and out of his puckered, rosy hole. I pulled out quickly once I was satisfied he was prepped enough. Before I could risk him losing the high he was on, I quickly discarded my skinnies and boxers, using the leftover lube on my hands to tease my own length.

Using all the will-power I had left not to slam into him, I eased myself inch by inch into his coven. He grabbed my shoulders and dug his fingernails in harder and harder the more inches deep I was. When I was finally in, I kissed him passionately: showing him all the love I had accumulated. He kissed me back just as loving before pulling away slightly.

"Move." His warm breath hit my puffy lips as I pecked him again.

I slowly moved out before sliding back in again, just as slow. I could feel him slightly clench around me but the look on his blissed out face made my movements more determined. As my pace quickened, the kisses became more messy and his moans became more and more staccato. I continued to thrust into him, my hands securely on his hips, and his scraping down my broad back. I could feel a slight sting from his repetitive clawing, but I dismissed it, wanting to give all my attention on the boy in front of me. With his pleads egging me on ("Harder~!") I granted his wishes and did as he instructed me to do. If he wanted it deeper, I would do everything in my power to go balls deep and tap at his prostate at the same time; just so he would emit a sharp moan followed by pants that breezed across my sweaty face.

We kept eye contact the entire time, to make the experience more intense. We studied each other's face carefully when any of us felt a sudden tingle of pleasure. Whenever I voiced a groan, I would accidentally squeezed my eyes shut, gasping at the sensation. I could always feel Jin studying my face as I did, almost as if he was taking a mental picture so he never forgot what this moment looked like. After more relentless pounding endured, I was sure I saw Seokjin's eyes roll back into his head as he clutched at the bedsheets; like he was trying to hold onto reality.

"I-I-I'm c-c-coming!" He stuttered out, a new syllable leaving his lips in between thrusts. He continued to moan, sounding like soprano music to my ears, until he finally couldn't hold on anymore. Bursts of white exploded from his tip as he screamed, "Namjoon!" His body lay limp for a few moments as I let him milk out his orgasm. I continued my movements until I finally released, shouting, "Seokjin!" I coated his tight walls with my seed before pulling out and flopping onto the bed next to my beautiful boyfriend. I kissed his sweaty forehead and fell asleep next to him.

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