SMUT #5: VKook.

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[From Chapter Twenty]

Taehyung's POV.

"I love you too." Jungkook replied. I kissed him on the lips quickly, causing him to giggle as I showered his entire face with little pecks of affection. As the kiss became more heated, our lips were ecstatically joined together in a somewhat messy fashion. Disobeying hands explored the other's skin. Sighs and huffs of content hit the our faces as we continued to hungrily indulge on each other's bodies as we gravitated together. All thoughts of sadness and anger were long forgotten.

"Hyung." Jungkook muttered against my lips, pausing for just a second.

"Yeah?" I mumbled back, repeatedly pecking his lips impatiently.

"Can we go to your room?" His doe eyes twinkled as he looked up at me.

"My room?" I asked, puzzled, completely oblivious as to what he was actually asking me.

He sighed and shook his head while smiling. He took my hand in his and lead me back to my room. He laid down on the bed and pulled me by my wrists to lay flat on top of him. My long legs were parted either side of his slightly shorter legs, caging his body under my weight. He continued to smile as he kissed me again. I let my hands slide back around to hold his waist again as I happily kissed back with the same amount of force.

"Hyung." Jungkook spoke again. He had a superlative skill in making that word sound sexual. I huffed in reply, still keeping my grip tight around his skinny waist. "I want you."

I froze for a second. 'Was he asking me to...?'

"Yes. I'm sure I want this, Hyung. I trust you." Jungkook replied. 'Shit I said that out loud.' I mentally groaned. The younger boy just looked at me, confused for a moment. "U-unless y-you don't want to." He stuttered out, face blushing as the confidence drained from his body.

"And you're sure you want me to be the one to do that?" I asked, gazing upon his flushed face. We both stared intently at one another, taking in the seriousness of the situation.

"Yes." He said, shortly. I wanted to test the waters a little so I softly ground my hips into his, to gage his reaction.

"Ahh~!" Jungkook moaned, covering his mouth with his hand, eyes wide and face vermillion. I laughed, flashing his my boxy smile and I gutted back into his hips again. "Agh~!" He moaned again, slightly raising his hips up to stay connected to mine as I pulled away slightly.

"Awh, are you sensitive, Jungkookie?" I mocked, ruffling his hair with a hand I had finally removed from his hips. He nodded in reply, whimpering slightly as I rocked my crotch, teasingly, against his.

I continued to smile as I watched him have an inner war of hormones as he moaned and squeaked under every touch I placed upon him. I was more than ecstatic at the new information I had dug up. 'I wonder if he's a screamer.'

Suddenly, a light bulb went off in my head. "Jungkookie?" I asked him, stopping my movements.

"Yeah?" He sighed, eyes closed, and clothes wrinkled and crumpled.

"How do you feel about being blindfolded?" I ask in a polite tone, clambering off his body and perching on the edge of the bed. "You know, so everything feels that extra bit more inten-"

"Yes!" Jungkook practically shouts, body jumping up slightly from excitement. "Sorry." He utters quickly once he realised he had cut off my sentence.

"Glad to see you're excited." I leaned down so my mouth was level with his ear. "I know I am." I growled, nipping at the peach-smooth skin on his earlobe. He whimpered in reply, making grabby hands at me like a child. I grin, shaking my head as I stood up and walked to my chest of drawers, opposite to the bed. I hastily flung open one of the drawers and yanked out a satin, black blindfold, a cold bottle of half-used, strawberry lube, and a condom.

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