Chapter Sixteen: Kiss Me.

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Jungkook's POV:

"I'll tell you soon." He sighs, as if he was reassuring himself more than I. My mind was caught up in a whirl again, I was so confused with everything: my dad, this boy, why my friends were acting so strangely. 'They can't possible be connected, right?' I think the worst, paranoia overwhelming me.

He studied my face before opening his mouth to speak. "What are you thinking about?" He sounded genuinely concerned.

"Everything." I whimper, my thoughts finally catching up on me.

"What do you mean?" He asks.

I groaned in annoyance and tugged at my thick hair. I tousled through my brunette locks before speaking once more. "Just... Tell me now."

"Huh?" He cocks his head, looking at me with furrowed brows. "Tell you what?"

I sighed, frustrated that I had to spell it out for him. "Why you won't kiss me."

The silence was blanket thick as the atmosphere became as dark as a goth boys diary and as cold as a prom queens shoulder. I forced my down-casted eyes up starboard to catch his wavering gaze. He opened his mouth to talk, but quickly slammed it shut, eyebrows still tightly knitted.

"Tell me." I say through gritted teeth. My tone was evidently more harsh this time. I tightened my hands into fists, flourished with fury and confusion. I wanted the rebound, I didn't care if he was using me. I need to forget about everything. I'm so, so scared. 'Why won't he give me what I want?!' I think in anger.

"I..." He starts. "I can't." He admits, head hanging low.

My rage boiled up inside me as I continued to shoot daggers at him through my piercing stare. "You can't?" I ask, mockingly. My bratty behaviour flipped a switch in his brain as he suddenly grabbed my wrists and pinned me down, swapping our positions. I was now under his dominant stance, regretting my earlier decisions.

"Dammit Jungkook!" He spits at me before crashing our unsuspecting lips together. He attacked my lips, wasting no time to probe his wet muscle against my bottom lip. I refused, caught up in the moment, and sucked on his top lip. I let my eyes flutter shut. Yoongi Hyung had taught me how to kiss a few years back, so I wasn't inexperienced in that region. I continued to fight the older for dominance; knowing fully well that I was never going to win. The grip on my wrists was instantaneously gone, but before I could question it, I felt one of his hands grab at my 'special area'. I gasped, arching my back into his touch- opening my eyes enough to see him smirking before he entered my mouth with his tongue. He swirled his tongue around, exploring the perimeter of my mouth while I sat defenceless, kind of scared about what was going to happen next. I felt the hardness of my 'special area' straining against my willpower, desperately not wanting the big to notice what he was doing to me. I was still a virgin after all.

He breaks the kiss continuously to tell me little things, now and again. "I know who you are." Kiss. "I'm not friends with your dad." Kiss. "I own a company." Kiss. "That's a rival to yours." Kiss. "My name isn't Namjoon." Kiss. "It's Taehyung." Kiss. "Or as you know me..." Kiss. "Mr Kim of Bangtan Inc." Kiss.

I can't process what's going on. His tongue still continues to assault mine as he kisses me. 'I know who he is!' I think to myself, trying to wiggle out of his grasp. He forces his tongue down my throat as I try to slap him away. His hands slither back up to pin my tiny wrists down.

"Do you know how much of a fucking pain you are?!" He shouts, saliva spewing from his mouth, landing across my left cheek. "I had a plan, Jungkook! A plan! And you went and fucked it up!" His body starts to shake, but from what? I couldn't figure that part out. "I was going to ruin you! Marry you, take your company, ditch you." He cackles like a maniac, eyes flaring in a twisted, sick way. "But you just had to come along with your perfectness and throw it off course! How can anyone resist you, huh? Now I will never be able to destroy you because..." A flicker of defencelessness slashes across his features but he shakes his head, anger returning. "The tables have turned now! My company is running into the ground and yours was my escape route." He explains, finally saying out loud the real reason for his behaviour. "Bangtan is all I have. Baekhyun trusted me to keep it going but..." His voice cracks at the end. 'That's why he acts so bipolar and desperate. He needs that company.' I think to myself, finally understanding the situation.

"Taehyung." I say softly. The grip on my wrists loosens ever so slightly. I feel the salty tears drip onto my face as he begins to sob. His emotions had finally been released, and all that was left to do was weep.

"It's all I have, Jungkook. Jimin, Hoseok, Namjoon too. I wanted to show the world that I could run a company as good as Jeon Corporations, but I can't." He whispers, warm breath hitting my parted lips. "Forgive me, Jungkook." Taehyung pleads, his head resting on my chest. His fluffy hair moves up and down with the beat of my heart as he stutters out a post-sob breath.

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