Chapter 8

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Hey!!! I hope you didn't mind the throwing up. Sorry. I hope that you will continue reading these!! Don't forget to vote!!! (Sorry, it's another short chapter! But I don't have ANY motivation, so thanks a lot readers. 😔)




James was really sick. I meant it.
He was never like this. We really weren't sure what was happening right now.

Paul thinks that he's dying.

I disagree.

I just think he needed a break.

That was not the case.

James wouldn't respond so our questions. He just kept on looking at us and throwing up.
He looked quite confused.
Maybe he couldn't answer us because, well, he couldn't.
That's what Jordan said.
Maybe he was afraid that if he opened his mouth, he would throw up.
That's what Jack suggested.

We all knew the real answer.

James couldn't hear us.
We figured out what happened.

He wasn't sick.

Paul is right.
James is going to die.

We will have witnessed 2 1/2 deaths. Becca is almost there.

We all realized that we have been caring too much about Becca, that we forgot go in the woods. Well, me, Paul, Connor, Jordan, Zach, and Jack didn't forget.
But James did.
He was outside shoveling the snow when we left. He said he didn't want to come.
He said he was fine.
He wasn't fine now.
He should have came.
He should have shifted.
He shouldn't have done this to himself.


I wasn't going to survive this.

I couldn't.

I don't want to do this anymore.

I couldn't handle this.

I was going to shift. Or die.

It wasn't my choice.

It was which ever one the wolf inside me chooses.


I really couldn't take all of this drama. It was too much.
Drama is for girls.
First, a permanent wolf walks into our house. Then, Becca has a concussion and falls into a deep coma, possibly not awakening. Now, James is sick and we don't quite know what is going on with him.
I think I'm going to have a seizure.
This was hard to keep track of.
Mother Nature decided to make our lives ten times harder and she let it snow.
That's just great.
I hate her.
Now we can't even carry James to the woods. He's heavy already, and the snow just adds on to it.
Around here, when it snows, the snow is very thick and heavy. It's difficult to walk in it.
James would probably catch a cold on top of his present illness.
We can't let that happen.
James was really throwing up now.
He was miserable.
I sorta felt bad for him.


I walked into Becca's room.
Oh how I wish she was here. She would know what to do.
She knows everything.
She glues us together.
She glues me together.
I miss her so much. I really want her to be here. Just *poof* and she's here. But it's not that easy.
I sat down on her stripped bed.
There were no sheets, blankets pillows, nothing. We had to move all of it down into the basement.
The room didn't even smell like her anymore.
That's how long she's been gone.
1 week and 3 days. Or, to be more precise, 1 week, 3 days, 7 hours, 2 minutes and- I looked at my watch- 22 seconds. ..23...24...25...26...27...28...29...30
My watch ticked.
The seconds were flying by.
Yet the time until Becca gets back

seems like a million years.


James was sick and he needed to shift.
Jack was being a jerk and complaining about himself instead of helping.
Connor was in Becca's room-I don't really blame him, he's had a tough month so far.
Tyler knows what he's doing, even though we don't.
Zach was no where to be found.
Paul was outside trying to shovel up the snow so we could possibly carry James outside-but it was snowing on top of what he has already shoveled.
That was all I knew.

We really couldn't do much about James.
We obviously couldn't take him to the ER, or they would find out our secret.
We couldn't call his parents, they think he ran away and is dead.
We couldn't call the neighbors, they don't know about our secret either.
We were doomed.
No, James was doomed.
Another sad ending.


Man, this was a long run to the hospital.
I was getting a little worried.
I really didn't want to confess to Becca, but I know deep, down inside, I had to.
This is agonizing.
Just running and running and running.
But I love to run.
So I guess it's okay.
I could see the parking garage.
The tall buildings with helpless people inside of them.
I was going to tell Becca the most hard thing I have ever told anyone before.

I arrived at the hospital.
I was shaking.
I went up to the front desk.
"Is room 227 open for visitors?" I questioned.
"Yes, yes it is." The kind lady said.
She handed me a sticker with the words 'visitor welcome' on it.
I placed it on my sweatshirt.

I walked through halls with the latex glove smell chasing me wherever I went.
It gave me a small headache.

I finally reached room 227.
I knew this was her room. I double checked to stall my time.

I took a deep breath in, and exhaled through my mouth.
I put my hand on the icy, silver door knob.
I was scared.
I slowly and quietly turned the knob.
I opened the door.

I froze.
I gasped.

No one was there.

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