Chapter 28

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Skylar Dylan Matthews on the media...

Him Again

Chapter 28

"It's because we kissed."

Skylar's tactless words rang on my mind every here and there. I still can't believe that he had stated such thing in front of his girlfriend. Is he nuts or some type of psychopath who had a really big brain problem? He confessed such a stupid thing in front of his girlfriend without sounding affected at all. I guess every person around me is really odd and Skylar is the king.

As he spit out those words, I immediately stormed away from both of them and locked myself inside my bed covered by my divider. Geez, I don't even know who Stacey really is and what she is capable of but she already had this impression on me. I gulped, thinking of the possibilities and worst scenarios that may happen from Skylar's tactless words. Geez, when can I rest from this too much stress?

I kept on thinking outside the box on what will happen to me if these things continue to happen to me. Without even knowing, I already had fallen in a deep slumber. Snoring due to too much exhaustion, I was awaken by a knock on my divider. I fluttered my eyes as I tried to adjust the images around me. I rubbed my eyes using the back of my hand and let out a long yawn.

Still on the verge of sleepiness, I moved towards the divider and opened it revealing my blonde bestfriend. An evil grin was plastered on her face as she looked at me like some kind of clown. I gulped at the sight of her façade since I know her too well and that façade she is wearing right now screams "danger".

"Uh...what's with the face?" I asked her trying to sound as calm as possible.

My sleepiness was immediately drained as she spoke up answering my question. "Well there is a word which starts with a letter 'p' and ends with a letter 'y' currently going on." I gave her a questioning look feeling confused of her outburst. "Duh! We love going there? There are lots of boys and drinks?" She explained with her hands flying all over the place.

Still confused of her witty riddle-like statements, I continued giving her the look. "Uhmmm as far as I can remember, I've never been on a place where there are both lots of boys and drinks at the same time. And if you are talking about that...I think it's just you who had been there experiencing the thing." I smiled sheepishly at my own statement trying to escape Chanel's statements.

Not convinced with my attempt of escaping, she glared daggers at me which made me gulp again. "I've known you to be the most knowledgeable gay guy I had ever met...." She trailed off.

"Really?" I deadpanned at her sarcastic comment on me.

"Yes. I've known you pretty well now and what I am talking about isn't even gonna be a part of some intelligence quotient tests because of its level of ease and you can't answer it!?" She started to make her voice higher and anger is evident on her face.

"Why are you angry? If you just told me immediately what is going on then we might have been moving now." I rolled my eye feeling annoyed by her anger management problems.

I still can remember her one time when I volunteered to make her lunch and she suggested some healthy ones and I agreed. She even jumped all over the place and screamed on how a really good bestfriend I am. She even kissed me multiple of times until she had stated inappropriate thing due to her overwhelming happiness.

"I could have sex with you right now, Lei. You are knowledgeable, witty, smart, and wise." She smiled like there is no tomorrow.

I laughed nervously at her comment about me. "I think all of the adjectives that you used on me are having the same meaning?" Her smile immediately turned into a scowl as she heard my sudden correction.

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