Chapter 29

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Stacey Maxwell on the media...

Him Again

Chapter 29

Days had passed until it became weeks. Well actually, it's already been two months – two bloody months. But, Skylar kept on bugging me about how he wants me and stuffs like the "I'm flirting and I love it" stuffs and...I still can't forget that humiliating moment when Skylar had told Chanel that we are about to have sex. Like what the actual hell was wrong with his tiny miniature brain? I can't believe that I got smitten by him the last time I check. Geez, what the hell is wrong with him? And Chanel, she just acts like it sounded so casual. Ughhh, these people give me brain attacks!

Classes had already started a while ago and here I am, late for the first time since Chanel had decided to keep herself inside the bathroom for an hour and a half for an unknown reason. I made every move I took as fast as I could. I sometimes end up being stumbled from God knows what the reasons are.

Running like my life depended on my first class is a real bullsh*t. Being late really isn't my cup of tea. As long as I can remember, I had made myself a promise that being late would be one of the several things that are to be on the last thing that's on my mind. I tried to keep my pace on a higher rate with the hope of making it to class on time – and on top of that, not being able to take a bath.

I get to class and unfortunately, our teacher is already inside taking note of the attendance. I immediately moved towards my seat with another hope that he won't be able to catch a glimpse of me being late. And with the luck not on my side, the blue-eyed ex-bestfriend of mine is already seating on the seat next to mine with a cheeky grin plastered on his façade.

I fought the urge to roll my eye as he mouthed a "you're late, baby" to me. Without any hesitation, I took a seat without making any noise that may capture my teacher's attention. As I got seated, as on time, my teacher called my name and I raised my hand for recognition.

Seating next to this gorgeous devil is really irritating. He sometimes does stuffs that are really inappropriate just to capture my attention. Geez, he even got Chanel on his side to make him take him again even though he already had a girlfriend. Like what I am thinking anyway, they both are blonde and nosy, and to wrap it all up...they both are really odd.

As the teacher started the lesson about history and the roots of some great wars like the World Wars and some stuffs which are unknowingly giving me no interest to keep in mind. I mean, I already had done lots of research about history and stuffs related to this and World Wars are like for graders to me and all. Continuing with the blabbing about how important of us to know the significance of the war, Skylar had placed his arms to the back of my seat like some teenage flirting guys.

I fought the urge to blush but I failed for and unknown reason. Skylar still send me to edges that no one ever had even just because of some simple gestures like brushing his skin to mine accidentally, winking, and any other flirty bullsh*ts.

"I would even think of starting another World War just to have you back, Enne." He whispered to my ear as he leaned in closer to me brushing my earlobes with his lips a little. His words didn't budge my emotional state but the simple gesture of having his lips brushed against me sent shivers through my spine and I started getting aroused.

"Shit!" I hissed a bit loudly as I felt my thing in between my thighs move on a hurtful manner. Geez, as I peeked to my side, I saw Skylar giving me an evil amused grin. I looked to my other side and to the front and noticed that all eyes are on me including our teacher's. I gulped at the realization of what I had said a second ago.

"Well, what do we have here? Mr. Lewis, what had gone to your mind to cuss inside my class?" Mr. Jones, our history teacher asked with a bit of harshness on his voice.

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