Chapter 5

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Waking up the following morning, after over 24 hours on the train, I let my eyes flutter down to my watch. 7:32 AM.

Beau is curled up on my chest. I hate to disturb him, but I need to get up. I gently lift him, and place him on the ground.

I gather all of my belongings, and the things I'm stealing, and put them in a box that I emptied out. I have nothing to seal it closed with, but at least when I throw it off the train, it will stay in relatively the same area.

I approach the door to the train cart, and cautiously open it. We're only going about 30 miles an hour. I lift the box, and throw it off the train. Now, the longer I wait to jump, the farther I'll have to walk to get my stuff.

I grab Beau in my arms, and hug him close to my chest. Then I jump.

The ground hits me like a boulder. I evaluate myself to see how hurt I am. I have some scrapes and bruises, but overall, I'm okay.

I set Beau on the ground, and let him walk a few steps. He seems unaffected by the jump. Good.

I stand up, and start walking over to get my things. The box is about 100 yards away from me. When I get over to it, I examine my surroundings.

I'm in a huge field. It's quite beautiful. A little ways away from the train track is a forest. I'll walk over there, so that I can be hidden by the trees.

I lift the box, and start to walk. After about fifty yards, the box seems to become heavier. My hands start to sweat, my legs ache. But I still have to walk for a while to get to the trees, so I persevere.

After an agonizingly long time I finally make it to the treeline, and set my things down. I'll find a place to set up camp first, and then I'll bring my supplies. I don't want to have to lug that box around everywhere.

I walk about 200 ft deeper into the woods, before I find a small meadow, with a brooke running through it. This is perfect. This is where I'll set up


It isn't the prettiest camp, but it will do. Over the past four hours or so, I've been working on it.

I collected branches, leaves, and grass, and wove then together into a carpet type material. Then I used some large logs and made the skeleton of a teepee, and placed the grass carpet over it. Finally I broke the cardboard box down into one flat surface, and used it as flooring, so I wouldn't be sleeping on dirt.

I look at my little hut, and smile. Beau runs into it, and then he runs out again. That silly dog.

I hate to admit it, but I'm starving. I haven't eaten in a day and a half. I'm surprised I haven't passed out yet.

I go through my bag of food, and grab a can of red beans. I pop the top open and try to drain the liquid out as best as I can. Then I pour it into one or my wooden bowls.

I forgot to bring silverware, so I eat with my hands. I eat about two thirds of the beans, and give the rest to Beau.

I don't know how, but I am going to get through the next year and a half, and I won't be discovered. I have to stay under the radar. But I can do it. And then, I'll be 18 and I can start over.

A/N Just a filler chapter. But next chapter , Taylor is going to go exploring. What will she find? Stay tuned? (hint hint- it's on the cover of the book)

Author's Feedback to Past Self: Your main character jumped out of a MOVING TRAIN!!! That was stupid of  Taylor! The fact that she didn't get hurt was pure luck! Also, she's expecting to live in the woods for a year and a half  with only $500? You think this will actually work? Taylor is a slightly ditsy sixteen year old! You know who she reminds me of? Rapunzel in Tangled (even though she's 18) She is ditsy like Rapunzel! Also, I love Beau. Beau is adorable. Beau was a good addition to this book. 

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