Chapter 25

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"She's never going to learn like that,". I Comment from my place on the fence post. Carter is trying to lunge her by taking a long whip, and holding it out right behind her, so that she spooks and runs forward.

"What do you suggest," Carter asks indignantly.

"Just hand me the rope and step aside- watch the pro," I laugh.

And in the next half hour I proceed to perfect her lunge so that she looks as if she's been lunging for years. Carter just sits on the fence, gaping.

"Close your mouth, you'll catch flies," I snicker.

"Beginners luck."

"I think I could ride her," I say, ignoring him.

"I don't doubt it. I never said you couldn't ride her- I said you couldn't ride El Diablo."

"Let's see about that," I say, determination apparent in my voice.

Then I hand him Navajo's lead, and head straight over to the pasture.

I climb over the fence, and march up to the massive horse that is El Diablo. For a minute, I'm really nervous. But he can't be that bad, can he?

I pet him softly on his withers, and he turns around and nuzzles my shoulder.

"You're nothing but a big sweetheart, are you," I coo.

Then I grab hold of his mane, take a deep breath, and hoist myself up.

Not even a second after I've gotten situated on his back, he starts bucking and rearing. I cling tight to his mane, refusing to be thrown.

Probably the fifth or sixth time he rears, I see Ezhno charging at him. Ezhno let's out a shrill yell-like noise, and looks at El Diablo dead in the eyes.

El Diablo reluctantly calms himself, and let's me recover. I click my heels, and he starts to walk. When I look over my shoulder, I see that Ezhno is close by, ready to 'swoop into action.'

I chuckle before pulling El Diablo into a trot, and them a canter. I take him over the log in the middle of the field, and then trot him up to the fence, where Carter is, smirking.

"I told you so," I sass.

"You would not have got anything done with El Diablo if it weren't for your stallion."

"You just said I couldn't ride him- you didn't say anything about my methods. So I win."

I dismount, and pat El Diablo on the side.

"Now what do we do?" I ask.

"Grooming," is all Carter says.

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