Chapter 8

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Tears blur my vision. I haven't thought about that day in forever. I always try so hard to block it out of my mind. 

But being at that barn, it all came rushing back.

I'm running back towards camp.

 But camp is at the brooke, and I think that's the same brooke that we stopped at. I have to get over myself. 

I spent forever working on that camp, and I can't just abandon it because it has bad memories.

I hear the water, and then I see camp, and Beau tied up right where I left him.

I run up to him, and wrap my arms around him. I bury my face in his fur, and cry until I have no more tears. 


I'm going back late tonight. I need to see that stallion again.

I'm sitting inside my tent. Beau is curled up by my side, asleep. I watch as his chest rises and falls. He's so peaceful and serene, not a care in the world. I scratch his head, and his eyes open. His tail starts to wag, and he jumps up and licks my face.

"You're such a good boy Beau," I coo, and kiss his head. 


It's about 11 PM now. I tie Beau up so he won't follow me, and head back towards the barn.

The woods are pitch black, and the only noise I hear are my footsteps and the occasional hoot of an owl.

I know I'm getting close when I see a light in the distance. I walk towards the light hoping not to run into anyone when I get there. But it's late and no one should be awake.

I finally get to the barn, and walk in through the back entrance, the one closest to the stallion.

As I approach his stall, I see his head poke out.

"Hey boy," I whisper and reach out my hand to pet him. He nickers softly, and nuzzles my pockets for food.

"One second," I say. I walk over to the bucket with food, and take out handful.

I walk back over to him, and reach the food out towards him.

"I need a name for you," I whisper. "Ezhno." Ezhno is Native American for 'he who walks alone,' which seems appropriate.

I sneak into the tack room, and grab a lead rope, hook it onto Ezhno's halter, and quietly lead him out the barn.

Author's Feedback to My Past Self: Only problem with this chapter so far is that she's only giving him a handful of food. Please, horses eat a ton. Ezhno needs much more than a handful!

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