Chapter 26

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"Ok, I'm going to go catch Chester. Who do you want to catch," Carter asks.

"Princess," I say, letting her name roll off my tongue.

"Ok, follow me," he says. He turns to walk away, and I follow.

We enter the massive tack room. There are saddles, bridles, halters, lead ropes, saddle blankets, and grooming supplies galore. It's an equestrians dream.

"All of their things are labeled, and put into designated sections with their names. All of Princess's things are over here," he says, gesturing over to her tack.

I pick up her pink lead and halter, and sling them over my shoulder.

"Ok, I'll go get her," I reply, smiling.

I head out to the field, and climb over the fence. I scan the field for Princess, and see her grazing over by Yin Yang.

I walk up to Princess, and lay the lead rope over her neck. I scratch her withers, and then put her halter on.

She's much easier than Navajo was- Princess is very willing and eager to please.

I clip the lead rope on, and lead Princess towards the barn. I tie her up, and give her a full groom- she had dirt and mud all over her beautiful, white coat.

When I'm done, I look her up and down, admiring her. She looks so regal, as if she belongs in a palace.

I lead her back to the pasture, and set her loose. One down, four to go (if Carter and I split it down the middle.)


Finally, only one more horse. I've already groomed El Diablo, Yin Yang, and Jupiter. The last two horses are Ezhno and Charcoal, and there is no way Carter will groom Ezhno. So it's a no brainer who I'm grooming.

I walk into the field, and call Ezhno. In moments, he comes trotting up to me. I slip on his halter, and clip on his lead rope. I don't really need them, but Carter is 'scared' of Ezhno.

I tie Ezhno up, and then yell out, "Okay Carter, you can come out now."

He walks out of the tack room, holding Charcoals lead and halter. "What do you mean? I was just getting Charcoaks stuff."

"Uh-huh. Sure. Just face it, you are completely terrified of my horse," I laugh. He walks up to Ezhno and I .

"Your horse doesn't scare me," he retorts. Ezhno reaches out and attempts to grab his shirt, causing Carter to fall backwards onto the floor.

"Sure you aren't," I laugh, looking down at him. He rolls his eyes at me, and stands up.

"Whatever," he mumbles, turning towards the field to go get Charcoal.

I laugh, and lean into Ezhno. He wraps his neck around my shoulder, and I hug him back.

"Your a good horse," I whisper.

A/N I'm sorry I haven't updated in a while- it's only been a day or two, but I normally update daily. It was my mom's birthday, and she was born at midnight so we celebrate for two days. I'll try to start updating normally again, but my nine week exams are rolling around and I'll he studying a lot. But I promise I'll try! Thanks for reading! And thank you so much for getting me OVER 650 READS!!!! That's more than my other book 'Trust Me' got. It means a lot, thank you.

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