Chapter 9

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I lead Ezhno into the woods and look him over.

"I don't think you've ever been ridden," I say, mostly to myself.

I grab a handful of his long, black and white mane, and sling myself up onto his back.

He's definitely startled, but he doesn't try to throw me off. Which is good, because I haven't even touched a horse in 10 years.

I make sure his lead rope isn't dangling and I take hold of it along with his mane, hold on tight with my legs, and push my heels into his sides.

Ezhno takes off galloping, which is what I was expecting. We run through the woods, and the only light I see is that of the moon. I can't see trees or branches, but apparently Ezhno does because his steps never falter.

We pass camp, and eventually break out of the trees and into that huge field that has the railroad track. Ezhno runs until he has no more energy.

I climb off his back, exhausted, and let him graze, which gives me some time to think.

As much as I'd love to keep him away from that wicked man, I don't have any horse food, and my camp is too close to the barn. If they search for him, they'll find us both and we'll be no better off than before.

I notice the moon is growing fainter and fainter. I have to take him back now.

I hoist myself back onto him, and push my heels into his sides. He doesn't bolt this time, he just walks.

Because I don't have a bridle, I steer with my feet. For a green horse, he takes the cues very well.

As soon as he sees the barn, he rears. I hold tight to him, and don't fall but it definitely startles me. As soon as all four of his hooves are on the ground, I dismount and take hold if the lead rope.

I reluctantly lead him back to his stall, and stroke his forelock.

"I promise I'll get you out of here boy. I just have to take care of some things first."

Author's Feedback to Past Self: So your main character jumps on a horse who has presumably never been ridden. Okay. And it takes off into the woods in a gallop and she doesn't fall off. Unlikely, but okay. But on the way back, it walks like the perfect little gentleman, and takes leg cues? She didn't even train him! He just magically became perfect! That doesn't happen in real life, 12-year-old-me!  Also, how could you possibly take him back? What I would have done is taken him back to my 'camp,' packed up my stuff, and taken off in the opposite direction. But that's just me (the 16 year old version)

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