Chapter 15

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"Oh. My. God," Carter stutters.

"You have to promise you will not tell ANYONE- if you do, you will ruin my life, and potentially kill Ezhno," I plead.

"I promise. But wow. Um... do you want to see Charcoal?" He asks.

"Yes. I've thought about him a lot over the years. I've missed that pony," I sigh.

"Well, let's go," he says, standing up. I follow him, and we start walking.

"So, you stole a horse," he bluntly states.

"Yes, but only because he was being abused. It was the right thing to do. Well, the right thing to do would have been to tell the police but then I'd be back in the foster system. And if you met Ezhno, you'd understand. Speaking of which, I can't leave him tied up forever. Maybe I should go get him and Beau, and then come to your barn," I babble.

"No need- we are already here," he says, gesturing to a big gate.

"I don't know if I'm ready- I haven't seen him in so long. What if he doesn't remember me?" I worriedly say.

"Horses have amazing memories- almost as good as elephants. He'll remember you."

"Ok. Let's go."

Carter opens the gate, and leads me to a pasture. I see a Tennessee Walker- that must be Chester. But no sign of Charcoal. Then I see movement behind the trunk of a tree- a black tail, swatting away files.

I climb over the fence, and whistle- I used to always call him by whistling.

Charcoal walks out from behind the tree, and looks at me. His ears flicker back and forth, and he takes a few steps towards me.

For a moment, I think he doesn't recognize me.

But then, he takes off in full gallop, and stops right in front of me. I throw my arms around his neck, and he hugs me, just like I taught him to when I was little.

"Hi boy. Did you miss me?" I ask, a few tears falling down my face. "I will never leave you again."


"So, I'll text you," I say.

"Yeah. Hey, if you want, we can go on a trail ride this evening," he suggests.

"I'd like that," I say, flashing him a smile. "So, I better go. I have to make sure Beau and Ezhno are okay."

"Okay, bye." I turn, and start to walk away.

"And Taylor," Carter calls. "I'm going to do whatever I can to help you and your horse. And your dog."

"Thanks. It's nice to know I have help."

Then I head back to the woods.

Author's Feedback to Past Self: I love the first line of this chapter. It makes Carter sound less creepy and more like a rich girl. 

And what did I say about going back to his house with him??? Stranger danger!

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