Chapter 12

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That man who owns the barn has raided my camp. He's destroying it, throwing all of my things into the brooke.

"Teach that little bitch to mess with my stallion," he hisses, his words slurred. It sounds like he's been drinking.

I hide behind a tree, hugging Beau to my chest. I silently pray that he doesn't bark or whine. And he doesn't.

After an agonizing half hour, the man leaves and stumbles back towards the barn. I wait ten minutes, and then walk around my destroyed campsite, hoping to salvage whatever I can. All of my water has been emptied. Most of my food has been washed away, although I find 7 cans of various foods (although two of them are corned beef). My extra clothes are ruined. I take everything I can salvage, and put it in my backpack.

I sit down on the floor, and cry. Its stupid, really. I mean, I have money. I can replace it all. I just can't believe that anyone would do this.

And then an awful realization sets in- if he is this mad, and he's drunk, Ezhno must be in danger. I have to get him, now.

I scoop Beau up, and start running towards the barn.

When I get there, I can hear yelling coming from the round ring.

I run around the house, and see the man hitting Ezhno repeatedly with a whip. But Ezhno fights back, and the man stumbles backwards, hitting his head in the fence post. He's knocked unconscious, and he falls on the floor.

"Ezhno," I call out. His ears perk up, and he looks at me. I run and open the gate. Then I grab his halter, and lead him towards the barn.

I rush into the tack room, and grab a lead rope. I clip it into his halter, and tie him up.

I grab a western saddle, and a saddle blanket, and sling them onto his back. Then I quickly do up the girth.

"It's okay boy- we're leaving, and I won't ever let anyone hurt you again," I promise.

I go back into the tack room, and go through his brushes, grabbing a hoofpick, curry comb, soft brush, hard brush, and a comb for his mane and tail. I put them all in my backpack, and take a bridle out of the tack room.

I hurry to put the bridle on Ezhno, but he won't take the bit.

"Please Ezhno," I beg, urgency apparent in my voice. "He could get up any minute now."

As if sensing how serious the situation is, Ezhno complies. I do up the chin strap, and am about to mount.

I can't believe what I'm doing. I've never so much as stolen a pen, and now I'm stealing a horse. I look back at the man, unconscious on the floor.

I can't believe myself as I run into his house, and call the police on his phone.

"911 What's your emergency?"

"Hi, I was just passing by this farm and I saw that an man was lying unconscious in a round ring on his farm, and a stallion broke down the gate and ran away. I can't stay here with him because I have to take my sister home. But please send someone," I say, making up a story.

"Ok, we've traced your call. Someone will be there in 10 minutes. Thank you, you did the right thing."

I hang up the phone, and run back out to Ezhno. I untie him, and unclip the lead rope. Then I shove it into my backpack.

I'm about to mount when I hear Beau whine. Crap. He can't run as fast as Ezhno.

I scoop him up and hold him with my right arm. I take hold of the reigns and the saddle horn, and pull myself onto Ezhno. I put Beau right in front of me, and take hold of the reigns in a way that I have one of my arms squeezing each of Beau's sides.

I click my heels, and steer Ezhno out into the woods. I can hear sirens in the distance.

I get Ezhno into a gallop, and ride full speed towards the new campsite. I hope to god no one finds us.

Author's Feedback to Past Self: Again with the magically having the horse do things without training. How did you saddle him up so easily? It can take weeks to teach a horse to tolerate a saddle!!! That's about it for this chapter. 

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