Chapter 1

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I awoke to a loud ringing in my ears, my mind was slowly fading out of my dream and I was slowly coming back to reality. The ringing became louder and I opened my eyes to realise that it was my alarm clock ringing. I looked over and saw that it read 7:00am, I turned off my alarm and groaned at the thought of leaving my bed.

As I started to climb out of bed, I suddenly hit with a rush of nerves, running through my body. I then remembered that today was the first day at my new school and I was terrified. I had to leave my other school as my mum's work transferred her to central London. So now I have to go to a school in London, luckily this school doesn't have a dress code, so I don't have to wear a uniform like my last school.

There is one problem though, clothes are one of the first things people judge you on so this is gonna be a problem. I looked through my wardrobe at every piece of clothing I owned and then sat down on my bed. I had nothing nice to wear, I need to make a good first impression, so I need to wear something decent. Just then I remembered that I bought a new top last week, I ran over to the bag and got out my new top.

I decided on wearing my new frilly cream top, with some black jeans, converses and a leather jacket. Once I was dressed, I started to curl my hair and added a bit of make up to my face. I examined myself once more in the mirror before heading downstairs to make myself some breakfast.

I went downstairs to my kitchen but no one was home, my mum must be at work. I only live with my mum now, my dad left years ago and took my sister with him, so now it's just me and my mum. I still visit them on occasions, as I miss my sister a lot. I snapped out of daydream when my pancakes finished cooking, I sat down and began to eat them.

Once I finished my pancakes, I went back upstairs to brush my teeth and then get ready for school. I had to get the train to school, which I wasn't looking forward to, I hate trains. Once I was ready, I left my house and walked the train station. The station was packed and people were pushing and shoving next to me.

*Time skip to arrive at school*
My heart was beating so fast as I walked up to the school gates, my stomach had butterflies and I felt sick. I really want to go home, was all I could think about in my head. I wasn't sure where I had to go, so I walked over to the reception desk.

"Hello there" the receptionist said to me. "Uh.. Hi" I replied back.
"Are you new?" What's your name?" The receptionist asked me as she began to type on her computer. "Erm, yes my name is Olivia White" I told the receptionist nervously.
"Ah yes, we've been expecting you. You'll be having a meeting with the headmaster, he'll be giving you all the information you need" she said.

A meeting? Just then I got a lump in my throat and began to feel even more sick. I hated meetings, especially with people I don't know, now I have to have one with the headmaster. The receptionist directed me to his office, I walked up a few flights of stairs, till I came to a large door. My palms became sweaty and my heart began to beat again, I slowed raised my hand to knock on the door.

*knock knock*

I stood there for a couple of seconds, my nerves were going out of control at this point. Just then I saw the door open up in front of me, there stood a tall man in a suit looking down at me. I felt intimated by him, I couldn't make eye contact.

"Hello, you must be Olivia. Please come in and take a seat" he said as he pointed to a chair which sat in front of his desk. I walked over to the chair and sat down and watched as he come over to sit on his chair.

"Now, I hear this is your first day. I understand this can be a scary time but I can assure you, this school will feel like home in no time" he said, but he was reassuring me at all. No idea what he means by school feeling like home, home is where I can relax and have fun when there is no school.

I continued to listen to the headmasters speech about the school, he went through the school rules, what clubs and activities they have on and any other information which I needed to know. Before I was about to leave he gave me my timetable, this is gonna be my timetable for the next year.

I thanked the headmaster and walked out of his office, as I walked downstairs I looked at my timetable to see what lesson I had first. Today was Monday, I scanned the page to find which lesson was first... Oh great, maths. Really? First thing on a Monday morning, I hate maths.

So this is a new book which I'm writing, I hope you all enjoy it. I had the idea last night and thought I would give it a go, I've had a lot of inspiration from reading other people's stories on here. Let me know what you think :)
Hope you all have a great day!

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