Chapter 39

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Simons POV
"Olivia! No!" I shouted as I was being pulled out the door by an officer. Tears were falling down my face, I can't believe what's happening. Before I was pulled out the door, I saw the way Olivia looked at me, she looked heartbroken.

I was pulled away down a corridor and into a room. I was then sat in a chair with a desk opposite me and an empty chair on the other side. Just then a man walked in and sat down in the chair.
"Hello Mr Minter" he said to me as he pulled the chair in further. I didn't reply, I kept silent, I was too upset to say a word.

"Now I know how you must be feeling"
"No you don't! You have no idea, you don't know how it feels to be told you're innocent and then for someone to turn around and tell you you're guilty" I snapped, I couldn't help it. That comment made me full of rage and anger.
"Mr Minter please, that was the wrong choice of words, I know you're upset but we have to talk about what happens next" the man explained to me.

"Look all I want is to see my fiancé, she's heartbroken right now and she needs me" I said to the man as my anger faded and tears began to form once again.
"We'll arrange something but for now we need to talk about the trial and what will happen next" he went on.
I sat back in my chair and listened to him speak.

"Now I'm afraid that the final verdict is that you're guilty, which means that you will be going to prison"
When I heard that word, my heart felt like it dropped through my stomach.
"H-how long for?" I asked as a tear escaped my eye. "We're not sure yet, we have to wait for the judge to decide" he said to me.

"How long will that take?" I asked him. "We'll know in about an hour, the judge has to speak to a number of people" he said.
"Can I see my fiancé?" I asked the man.
"I'm not sure Mr Minter" he said and this made my heart break.
"Please, I have a right to see her. This could be the last time I see her for ages, I understand she's involved in this trial but I do have a right to see her" I explained.

He could see how upset I was getting and eventually he gave in. "Ok, I'll allow you to see her but once the decision has been made for what happens next then you're going to have to come back here" he said to me as he stood up.
"Thank you" I replied as I got and walked out the door. I had to be followed by an officer, in case I was planning some kind of escape.

I walked down a corridor until a saw a group of familiar faces. They were all crowding around Olivia and I could see her crying on Josh's shoulder. I walked over to the group "Olivia" I said quietly.
She immediately looked up and came over to me and pulled me tightly into a hug. "Simon!" She shouted through tears in her eyes. "OMG I thought that was it and i wouldn't see you for a long time" she said as tears continued to run down her face.

Seeing her like this broke my heart and my tears began to form once again. "I'm only allowed to see you for a bit, as I have to go back and hear what's going to happen next" I explained to her.
"Are you going to prison?" She asked me and I could see the sadness in her eyes as she said this to me.
"Yes" I said as I looked down.

She then broke down in tears and I held her close to me. "Shhh, it's ok" I said to hear as I began to cry. "Please don't leave me" she added.
"I don't want to leave you" I said to her and as I continued to hug her. "But when I'm gone, you'll have the sidemen here to look after you and they're going to do a great job" I said as I smiled over to the guys.

They all returned the smile and walked over to us. "Don't worry Simon, you can count on us" Vikk said smiling at me.
"And Olivia, don't forget to revise. I want to hear all about how great you did with your exams" I said with a small chuckle. She tried her best to laugh along "I'll do it for you Simon" she gave me a small smile, which I returned back.

"That's my girl" I said as I kissed her.
"Mr Minter, we're ready now" I heard the officer say as he stood in corner. "Oh and best say your goodbyes now, you may not see them for a while" he added.
I turned back around to face the guys and I could see the sadness take over immediately. "So this is it, you're actually going" Olivia said with a shaky voice. "I will call you when I can and I'll let you know when you can come and visit" I said as I spoke to Olivia and the guys.

"Good luck bro, we'll be thinking of you. We love you" Tobi said as he pulled me into a hug. "Thanks man, take good care of Olivia for me" I replied.
"Of course we will" Josh added.
I gave each of the boys a hug and then turned around to face Olivia. She had been crying so much that her eyes were puffy and red, but she still looked as beautiful as ever.
"I'm going to miss you so much" she said as she hugged me again.
"I'm going to miss you too, I'm never going to stop thinking of you, just remember I love you so much and when I get out, I'm going to marry you" I told her, which put a smile on her face.

"I love you so much Simon and I can't wait to be your wife" she replied smiling.
"Mr Minter" the officer said sounding impatient.
I quickly turned around said goodbye once again, I then pulled Olivia into a hug and kissed her. The kiss lasted for what felt like ages, this is going to be last time I feel her lips on mine for a while and I'm going to take full advantage of it. "I love you" I said once more to her and kissed her lips again.
"I love you too" she replied and I walked over to the officer who was waiting for me.

I walked over to the room which I sat in before and turned around once more to face them. I smiled and waved and took once last glance at my beautiful fiancé.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter, I just wanted this one to be focused on Simon and how he was feeling.
So how long will Simon be going to prison for?
I hope you all have a great day :)

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