Chapter 53

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*4 months later*

My baby bump has really begun to show and today was my first scan. I'm so looking forward to see my beautiful baby on the screen.

My mum was over the moon when she found out that I was pregnant. She's so excited to meet the little one, but she's slightly disappointed that she's going to be called grandma when she's only 43.

I have been having some very weird cravings recently and the poor guys have had to go out and get me lots of food. Yesterday I was craving pickles and ice cream, the guys thought I was weird but I can't help it. I love it. They have also helped me buy baby clothes and some furniture, it's going to be difficult to make space for all this stuff. Babies are expensive and they require lots of clothes, nappies, toys etc. But the guys have been amazing, I couldn't have done it without them.

I was currently downstairs laying on the sofa and watching TV with Harry and Ethan. It was currently 12:30pm and my scan is at 2pm. Josh has offered to take me and I think Tobi might come along too.
"Hey what are you watching?" I heard a voice say as I turned my head to see JJ standing in the door frame.
"Nothing much, just the usual stuff" I replied putting the remote down.

"So are you excited for your scan?" He said as walked over and sat down next to me. "Yes, I can't wait to see him/her.. I just wish Simon could be here to see it. He would love to see our baby for the first time" I said, my voice sounding sad.
"I know, but he will see it. You can show him the scan picture when you see him later" he said smiling at me and putting his hand on my shoulder.
"Thank you JJ, I really don't know what I would do if I didn't have you guys" I said giving him a hug.
"Not a lot I expect" he said laughing.

*At the hospital*
I was patiently waiting in the waiting room with Josh and Tobi, as I waited to be called in to have my scan. As I'm having an ultrasound scan I have to drink lots of water and it needs to be done with a full bladder. This wasn't good as I'm bursting for a pee, but I can't go until I have my scan done.

I was shaking my leg as I waited in the chair. "Are you ok?" I heard Tobi say, he probably noticed how uncomfortable I am. "Yeah, I just really need to pee" I said holding my stomach.
"It won't be too much longer" Josh added smiling.

My name was called shortly after I hobbled into the room, which made the nurse laugh. I also asked the guys to come in, as I was nervous. I was asked to lay down on the bed and pull my top up, which revealed my bump.
"Ok before we begin, are you comfortable?" The nurse asked as she got things prepared. "Yes, apart from really needing to go to toilet" I replied. The nurse giggled slightly "I'm afraid we need you to have a full bladder in order to get the best picture, you can go to the toilet straight after" she replied with a warm smile.

"Ok I'm going to put some gel on the camera, now this may be a little cold" she continued as she put the gel onto the camera. She then put the camera onto my stomach, causing me to flinch slightly from the coldness of the gel. "Are you ok?" She asked me.
"I'm fine" I nodded.

I looked over to Josh and Tobi who were sitting on the opposite side of the room, causing them to smile at me.
"There we are" the nurse suddenly said, causing me to immediately look at the screen next to me.
"There's your baby" she added.
"Wow, my beautiful baby" I whispered to myself smiling. Josh and Tobi quickly walked over to me and looking at screen.

I could see my baby, laying in my stomach. He/she looked so small, I can't believe that's mine and Simon's baby. A small tear escaped my ear as I continued to look at the screen. "Are you ok Olivia?" Josh asked as he held my hand. "I'm overwhelmed and so so happy" I replied with a big smile on my face.
"He/she is so beautiful" Tobi said also smiling at me.

"Everything is going perfect with your pregnancy, the baby is very healthy" she said smiling.
"That's great, thank you so much" I said giggling slightly.
"Would you like a scan picture?" She asked me. "Yes please, I want to show my fiancé" I replied.

"Oh you're not her fiancé?" The nurse asked raising an eyebrow at Josh. "No, he couldn't make it today" Josh said trying to think of an excuse for Simons absence.
"Poor thing, well at least he can see the picture of your baby" she said smiling as she began to print the scan picture.

After a few minutes, the picture was done and we could leave. "I'll see you in a few months" the nurse said as she waved at us. "See you soon, thank you bye" I replied as I walked out of the room.
Once I was on the other side of the door, I immediately ran to the toilets and peed for what felt like forever.

After that it was time to go and see Simon, I can't wait to show him the picture of our beautiful baby.

Thank you all for your amazing support, I'm so close to 7K reads, I'm over the moon. I love you all!

I hope you all have a great day :)

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