Chapter 59

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Simon's POV
After I was shown the nursery by Olivia, we decided to go back downstairs to join the others.
"So what do you think? Like it?" Josh asked when I walked into the living room. "Yes, I love it. It's amazing" I said with the biggest smile on my face.

"Oh thank god, you have no idea how long it took to get that room done" Tobi said laughing. "You guys did an amazing job. Thank you so much" I said as I went around to each person in the room, hugging and thanking them. "You're welcome, it was the least we could to help out. Think of it as a gift for you both, as we didn't have a baby shower" Vikk added smiling over and Olivia and I.

"I'm so happy to have you guys, I have fantastic friends, an amazing fiancé (soon to be husband) and a beautiful son" Olivia said getting quite emotional. "Oh baby it's ok" I said as I walked over to her and held her in my arms. "We are both very lucky, without you guys we wouldn't be standing here right now" I said as I looked over to the guys.
"Oh Simon stop it, you'll make me cry" Harry said as he got a bit tearful.

"I think we needed this though, to all be together again and reflect on how much of an amazing, yet eventual journey we've all had together" Olivia said as she held Casper in her arms. "I agree, but now we can focus on the future. We have many more memories to make, with you guys and with this little one" I said as I stroked Casper's head with my hand and kissed his forehead.

The guys then stood up from their seats and walked over to Olivia, Casper and I. "Group hug?" Ethan asked, as we all look at one another.
"Yeah" i said with a smile.
We all then crowded in together and put our arms around each other. Olivia was in the middle of the hug, as she held Casper in one arm and hugged us with the other.

After about a minute, we all pulled away from the hug, while wiping tears away from our eyes.
"So, anyone hungry?" JJ eventually spoke up, breaking the silence.
"We definitely are" I said as I knew that Olivia was beginning to get hungry.
"How about I treat us all, Nando's" JJ asked us. "You know us too well JJ" I said laughing. JJ then grabbed his car keys and went to go and pick up the food.

*Later that night*
A few hours had passed, we had ate our food and sat around in the living room, having a catch up. This has been the best days of my life, I'm back with my fiancée, my friends and I have a son. All of this made me forget that I have to go back to prison tomorrow, of course i don't want to go back. But this has made me realise just how important family and friends really are and how much we need them. This should make my last 2 months in prison a lot easier, knowing that I have so much to look forward to, when I come out.

I was sitting on the sofa next to Tobi and Vikk, while holding Casper in my arms. Olivia had fallen asleep in the armchair next to us, so I decided to carry her upstairs to bed. I handed Casper to Tobi next to me, as I picked up Olivia, bridal style and carried her up to our room.

I walked into our room, placing Olivia carefully on our bed and pulling the covers over her. She is so beautiful.
I then headed back downstairs to get Casper, as he was asleep too.

"Guys I'm gonna head to bed too, it's been a long day" I told the guys. "Alright mate, sleep well. Oh and if you need anything just say, especially if Casper cries" Josh said smiling at me. "Thanks bro" I replied as I carried Casper upstairs.

We had got a small bed for Casper to sleep in, as we didn't want him sleeping in his cot just yet. We had placed the bed in our room, so we can keep an eye on him and look after him when he cries.
I placed Casper in his bed and I made my way to the bathroom, to get ready for bed.

Once I was ready, I placed a kiss on Casper's head as he slept. I then got into bed next to Olivia, who was also sleeping and kissed her on her forehead. I laid my head on the pillow as I put my arms around Olivia's body and pulled her close to me, as I closed my eyes.
I've missed this so much, feeling Olivia's presence next to me and being able to hold her close to me.

*2 hours later*
I was awoken from my sleep by the sound of Casper crying. I could hear Olivia groaning as she was also waking up. "You go back to sleep beautiful, I'll look after her" I whispered, as I kissed Olivia's cheek. She groaned again as she closed her eyes.

I got out of bed and stepped towards Casper's bed. I picked him and held him ever so gently in my arms. He was still crying as I made my way downstairs to heat up some milk. I tried not to wake the others, as I crept downstairs and headed towards the kitchen, with Casper in my arms. I then began to warm up his milk.. this may be a long night.

Simon is so happy ahh, I just loved writing this chapter, the feels!
Thank you so much for over 11k reads, you guys are absolutely amazing! 😘
I hope you all have a great day :)

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