Chapter 56

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*a few days later* Olivia's POV

My due date is only 3 days away and I'm becoming more and more nervous. I'm scared mostly for the pain, I don't handle pain well at all. Of course I don't know what it's going to be like as I've never experienced it before, but I know that's it going to be very painful.

I'm currently packing my bag which I'm going to take to hospital with me, for when the time comes. I'm packing things that I need, as well as some things for the baby. Including clothes and nappies. I have everything sorted and the guys and I have sat down and spoken about what will happen when I do go into labour.
Josh said he will be one driving me to the hospital, while the others will be making sure I'm calm and helping me.

Too be honest, we have no idea what we're doing. We're just going to try our best.

I was currently eating food in the kitchen, scrolling through my phone. I was getting a lot of messages from Twitter, congratulating me on my pregnancy. Me and the guys decided to let the fans know, since they are always there supporting us and they were so happy to find out I was pregnant.
I was too busy looking at my messages, that I didn't realise that Tobi walked in.

"Hey Olivia" he said, making me jump slightly. "Oh, hey Tobi" I replied smiling. "Oh sorry, I didn't mean to scare you" he said as he gave me a hug.
"It's fine, it didn't scare me that much" I said laughing, which caused him to laugh along.
"So are you up to anything today?" I added.
"Not really, just recording and editing videos. Y'know the usual" he said as he grabbed himself a drink and snack from the fridge.

"Well have fun doing that, I would do the same but I'm too tired" I said as I continued eating. "You deserve to rest" Tobi said giving me a warm smile.
"Thanks, although I'm literally doing nothing all day, I get so tired easily. I just don't get.. Ow" I then felt a sudden sharp pain in my stomach, causing me to flinch.

"Are you ok?" Tobi said looking concerned. I slowly breathed in and out as the pain wore off. "Yeah.. I'm fine" I said with a smile.
"Are you sure?" He asked me again. "Yeah, the baby must've kicked me a little too hard" I said giggling slightly.
"You've definitely got a mini Simon in there" Tobi said laughing.
"I think you're right there, anyway you get back to recording. I don't want to keep you any longer" I said to Tobi.

"Only if you're ok" Tobi said giving me a warm smile once again. "I'm fine, you go" i said returning the smile.
I then watched as Tobi walked out of the kitchen, I finished off my last bite of my sandwich before getting up and placing the plate in the sink.

Just then another sharp pain ran through my stomach, causing me to bend over in pain. This time the pain felt like it had doubled in strength. But this time, the pain didn't stop. It kept going but also got worse.
Suddenly I felt my underwear and leggings become very wet, I looked down and saw that the floor was wet too.

"TOBI" I shouted as loud as I could. Within seconds I heard footsteps running down the stairs and entering the kitchen.
"Oh my god Olivia, are you ok?" Tobi asked as he rushed over to me. I tear was running down my face as I looked up at me. "My waters have broken" I said and watched as shock took over Tobi's face.

"Oh god, ok try to stay calm. I'm right here. Josh! Guys!" Tobi then shouted and within a minute all the guys had entered the kitchen.
"What's happened?" Josh asked as he walked over to us. "Olivia's water have broken, she's in labour" Tobi said as he had his arm around me.
The pain was shouting through me again, it was getting worse. "Oooowww" I cried out.

"Ok Tobi, Vikk and Ethan help Olivia out to car, I'll go start it up. Harry and JJ go and get Olivia's hospital bag and anything else she may need" Josh told the guys as he grabbed his car keys and ran outside.
The guys helped me out to the car, but it took a while to move me as the pain was excruciating. I've never felt pain like this before and now I'm really scared. Once they helped me into the backseat of the car, i was joined by Vikk sitting next to me, while he held my hand. Ethan then sat in the front while Josh was in the drivers seat. The rest of the guys went into Tobi's car as we all drove to the hospital.

*Skipping the journey*
We eventually arrived at the hospital, after a very painful 15 minute drive. I had been crying out in pain for the whole journey and I think I may have broken Vikk's hand.
I was quickly rushed inside the hospital and I was taken to a bed. The guys all gathered around my bed to check I was ok.

A nurse then came to check on me, she asked me a few questions and told me I wasn't quite ready to push, as I haven't fully dilated.

After another hour of pain and crying, I was told I was almost ready to push. The guys have been helping me by talking to me to try to and distract me. Getting me drinks and blankets, these boys are my lifesavers.

A nurse then entered the room and checked on me once again. The pain was now to the point where I literally just wanted to give up on life. This is unbearable.

"Ok Miss White, you are fully dilated now. It's time to push" she said to me. "Oooowwww it hurts so much, I can't do this" I cried out as tears and sweat poured down my face. Josh and Tobi were holding my hands, while the others were stood next to the bed. "You can, you're so strong Olivia. You can do this" Josh said as he rubbed my back. "Squeeze my hand as hard as you want" Tobi added.
I tried to push again "Ahhhhhhh I can't I can't" I shouted as I cried my eyes are. "You're doing so well Miss White" the nurse said as she was looking for the baby's head.

"I want Simon!" I shouted as the pain took over my body.
"He will be so proud of you right now" Josh said as I squeezed his hand tighter.
"It hurts so much" I said as I tried to push again.
"Ok Miss White, I'm going to need you to do one big push now" the nurse said to me. I was breathing in and out uncontrollably and I was about to push.

Just then the door flew open, causing everyone to immediately look up... Simon!

Was anyone expecting that?
How is Simon there?
I'm sorry for not updating for the past few days, I only came back from Portugal 2 days ago and I've been very tired.
I hope you all have a great day :)

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