Chapter 5

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*Time skip to detention*
I sat in my seat as I watched Mr Minter sit at his desk. He was looking on his computer while I sat there with some work that he had given me to do. I was so bored, this is not what I pictured myself doing after school. I was meant to be meeting up with the boys but now I can't. At least I got to be alone with Mr Minter, even if he was annoyed at me.

I sat there looking at my work and then sighed and put my head on the table. I had no idea what I was doing. Just then I felt some kind of presence next to me, it felt close.

"Olivia?" It was Mr Minter. I slowly looked up from the desk and saw him standing over me, I couldn't tell if he was happy or not. "Hi Sir" I said with a smile but he continued to looked at me, with no emotion of his face.

"Olivia, do you really struggle this much with maths?" He asked me, as he looked into my eyes. I suddenly felt a kind of electric feeling between us, as i stared into his eyes.
"Yes, I'm hopeless. I really can't do it" I said as I looked down at my work.
"You're not hopeless, you just need a tutor" he said as a smile grew on his face. I became happier, seeing his smile. Then I had an idea, "could you tutor me? I mean, you are my maths teacher so you pretty much know it all" I asked him as I waited anxiously for a reply.

A few seconds later he replied to my question, "sure, why not" he said as he pulled out a chair from the desk next to me and sat down. He took my maths book and flicked through the pages.
"Ok, let's start with this topic first" he said as he pointed to the equations on the page. He kept looking up at me and we made eye contact every time. My god, he's so beautiful, that's all i could think about. But I needed to stop, I need to pay attention to what he's saying.

"The answer is 45" I said as I finished the equation. "Yes, that's correct" he said as he smiled at me with a huge grin. I was so happy, I've never been able to do anything like that before and it's all thanks to him.

"I'm proud of you Olivia" Mr Minter said as he continued to smile at me. "It was only a few questions" I said as I laughed. "I know, but that's probably the first time you've actually got the questions right" he said as he joked around with me. "Oi, that's not the first time actually" he then gave me a look, which clearly read that he didn't believe me. "Ok, maybe it was the first time" I said, then we both began to laugh.

"Well I'd say that's your detention over now, just try to listen more in class next time ok" he said as he stood up from his seat. "I will and thank you sir". I walked out of the classroom and smiled to myself uncontrollably. I was happy that I got detention, because now I actually understand something and I got to spend a whole hour alone, with Mr Minter.

*1 month later*
Over the past month, Mr Minter had been tutoring me twice every week. I've learnt so much and I can finally say that I understand maths. He truly is amazing, he told me that he got an A* in maths and boy was he right, he was so good. I felt myself getting closer to him, as if we were becoming good friends, I felt more confident around him and I liked the feeling.

I was nearing the end of my tutoring session with Mr Minter, I learnt so much today and I felt so happy that I could look at an equation and know how to answer it.
"You're doing so well, I'm seeing really good progress" Mr Minter said as he looked into my eyes.
"I feel so confident, I can actually answer these questions. Thank you so much sir" I told him as I smiled at him and looked back into his eyes.

Just then I felt a sudden urge to hug him and before i could stop myself, my arms were already around his neck. I quickly pulled away as my face was full of shock.
"I'm so sorry" I said to him. I felt so awkward, my god, why did I do that?
Just then I felt his hand touch my cheek, he was looking at me, his eyes staring into mine and his smile was warm.

"Don't be sorry" he pulled me closer to him and placed his lips on mine. The kiss felt passionate but also electrifying. In my head I knew it was wrong that we were doing this but my heart was telling me to keep going. I didn't care if he was my teacher, I've liked him since the second I met him and I've been wanting to do this ever since.

The kiss kept going for a few more seconds, he then pulled away and looked at me. "I'm your teacher, this should never happen. But there's something about you Olivia, something that makes me want to break all those teacher/student rules. You make me feel.. Happy" he said as he pushed some of my hair behind my ear.

"Not gonna lie, I've liked you from the second I met you" I said back, trying not to sound weird or anything. But then again, I've just told my teacher that I like him, so things are pretty weird already.

"No one must know about this ok, we can get into serious trouble, especially me" Mr Minter said as he got up from his chair. "I won't tell anyone, I promise" I said back with a smile. He returned the smile and then opened the door for me.
I walked over to the door and said "thank you sir". He then turned around and said "call me Simon" and winked at me.

Thought I'd progress on the story a little, I wanted to get them two to admit they liked each other. I hope it wasn't too forward in the story, I hope you're all enjoying it so far!
I hope you all have a great day :)

My Maths Teacher: Mr Minter (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now