Chapter 25

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I stayed at the sidemen house again last night, I called my mum telling her what happened and she said I can stay with the guys for as long as I want. Luckily it's the weekend, so there's no school for 2 days.

I awoke the next morning in an empty bed, I was staying in the spare bedroom. I looked over at the space next to me, Simon would be lying right there if he was still here. I decided to get up, i got dressed and made my way downstairs.

I walked into the kitchen to see the guys eating breakfast. "Morning Olivia, how are you feeling?" Tobi said to me. I greeted him and the rest of the guys with a small smile. "I'm ok" I said quietly as I walked over to the fridge. "The police rang" Josh suddenly said. I quickly turned around to face him, my eyes lit up and I felt a flood of hope run through my body.

"They're questioning Simon this morning" he continued.
"Then what?" I asked as I looked at Josh. "Not sure, I guess they'll contact us again once he's finished" he said looking down at the floor. My hope soon faded away after hearing those words. I just want to know if Simon is ok, I wish I could see him.

*At the police station* Simon's POV
I was sitting in a room waiting to be questioned by the police. I was sat in the room by myself, i had my face in my hands and I looked down at the table in front of me. All I could think about was Olivia, I miss her and I need her. I can't believe how bad things have been, how did the police even find me?

I then heard talking from the other side of the door, I looked up and saw the door open. Two people then walked in, they sat opposite me and looked at me.

"Hello Simon" one of them said.
"Hello" I replied as I looked at them. "We are here to ask you some questions, just so we can get an understanding before we take anything any further, is that clear?" The man asked me.
"Yes" I replied. "Good, now this interview will be recorded. Is that ok?" He asked as he set up the equipment.
"Yes thats fine" I said as I watched him.

The man then pressed record on the machine, "interview started at 9:50am" he said.
The nerves started to kick in now, this is it. This interview will determine what happens next, I'm not feeling very positive at all.

"Ok firstly can you state your name" the man asked. "Simon Minter" I replied.
"I have spoken to my colleagues and they have informed me on this situation, you were arrested for having a relationship with one of your students" he explained. I just nodded my head in response.
"Can you tell us, how did this all start?" He asked me. "She was a new student and she was in my maths class, which I teach" I replied as I looked down at my hands.
"Ok then what happened? How did this relationship form?" He said as he looked at me.
"Well she said she was struggling with the subject and she asked me if could tutor her. I said yes and she came to my classroom after school, so I could help her with her work" I explained.

"Were you two alone in these tutoring sessions?" he asked.
"Yes" I replied. "Did anything happen during those sessions?"
"Not for the first few months, everything was normal I guess. Then one day she got everything right with her work and she was over the moon, she hugged me and then kissed me" I said. "Then what did you do? Did you push her away?" He asked.
"No... I kissed her back" I said as I looked down at the table.
"Anything else happen that day?" The officer asked as he looked over at his colleague. "No, it just a kiss" I replied.

"Have you had any sexual contact with Olivia?" He then asked me. My eyes began to widen but I made sure not to look at them so they don't see my reaction. I waited a few seconds before answering "no" I said.
"Simon this is a very serious situation here, if you have had any sexual contact at all with her. Then you will face a very serious consequence, so in this situation, it is vital you tell the truth. Now I will ask you one more time, have you had any sexual contact with Olivia?" He asked as he looked straight into my eyes.
I looked up and met eyes with him "no" I answered again.

"Ok, well that's all the questions we needed to ask. There will most likely be more but for now we'll leave it there. Interview terminated at 10:20am" he said as he switched off the machine. "So what happens now?" I asked.

"You'll be released on bail, we'll overlook the recording and set a date for your case. That will determine what happens next, whether you'll be charged or even court" he explained.
"Court?" I questioned as my eyes widened once again. "Yes, if we feel you've been lying to us, then we'll have to take further action. But that's all in good time, we'll contact you a date and take from there. But for now you're free to go" he said as he opened the door.

I got up from my chair and walked out the door. I exited the police station and now I was making my way back to the sidemen house. I was thinking about the interview, I'm so stupid and I'm scared. I've lied to them and if they find out then I could be facing court. Oh god, what have done?

I apologise if I have got things wrong with this whole police thing, I'm not very good on knowing how it all works haha but I've tried my best
So Simon has lied to the police, could he go to court for what he's done? What will the others think?
I hope you all have a great day :)

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