Chapter 51

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I then looked over at my calendar which hung on the wall and then noticed a circle on one of the dates. I got up and walked over to it, I then realised that I haven't crossed off the circle. Today's date was July 18th and the circle was on July 10th. The circle stands for my periods, I always circle the date so I know when my period is due.
It hasn't been crossed off, hmm.

I then thought to myself I even got my period this month or not. I've been so busy and preoccupied lately that I didn't even notice. But of course I would notice if I have my period, the pain pretty much gives it away. I haven't had it this month...

I then sat back down on my bed and thoughts began to flood in my mind. I was thinking about what has happened in the past few weeks. I've been planning the wedding, doing YouTube, going out with the guys, seeing Simon.. Simon!

Then it hit me like a ton of bricks. "Josh!" I quickly shouted as I ran out of my room. Josh practically sprinted upstairs, "what's wrong?" He said panting slightly. "Take me to the shop please" I said with a worried look on my face. "Are you ok?" Then asked me concerned.
"Just take me to the shop" I said and I ran downstairs.

I ran to Josh's car and got in. Once Josh was in, he drove away quickly. He had no idea what was wrong with me but he looked scared. I didn't want to say anything, not yet anyway.

When we got to the shop, I asked Josh to stay in the car and I quickly ran in. I frantically looked around for the aisle with all the health care products. Then I found what I was looking for, I picked up two pregnancy tests and walked to the checkout. I bought two just to be sure. After I paid I walked back to the car and got in.

"What did you get?" Josh asking with a worried expression on his face. "Just some pills to help my sickness" I lied, I couldn't tell him. Not until I know for sure.

"Ok, well as long as you're ok. You scared me back there" he said as he started up the car again. "I'm sorry, I just felt so sick so I needed something to help" I said giving him a reassuring smile.
Deep down I felt so scared, I wish Simon was here. He'd know what to do.

*Back at the house*
I was currently in the bathroom and was reading instructions on how to do the test. I've never down this before and I'm very scared right now.

My heart was beating uncontrollably at this point, as I sat down on the toilet and peed on the stick.
Once I was down I had to wait a few minutes till I got the result. I was currently sitting down on the bathroom as I was agonisingly waiting for the result. This was the most painful and scary two minutes of my life.

I couldn't bare to look at the stick, after a few minutes I finally brought myself to look at it. I slowly brought my hand up to my face and I opened my eyes.. It was positive.

I sat there in shock, my mouth was wide open and I couldn't take my eyes off the stick in front of me. I'm pregnant.. I can't believe it.

After trying again with the second test, it came back with the same result. I was definitely pregnant, I couldn't help but let a small tear slide down my cheek. I'm scared. I need Simon, I need him to hug me and tell me it's going to be ok. I can't do this on my own.

So Olivia is pregnant! How will the Simon and the other guys react?
I hope you enjoyed this chapter
And I hope you all have a great day :)

My Maths Teacher: Mr Minter (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now