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It was yet another rainy night. You can hear the heavy drops of rain falling down the castle roofs and as it hits the ground. It was a loud noise alone. But what even made it noisier was the duchess' yelling.

Elsa was yet again receiving another scolding. Just like any other day. Their voices competing to the sound of the rainfall. It rang louder and louder across the halls of the gigantic, empty palace.

         "You are a disgrace to this family!" The duchess yelled. Elsa laughed bitterly while crossing her arms. "Please, do tell me something I don't know." She rolled her eyes.

The duchess fumed up, her cheeks lightly tinted red as anger rose up. She groaned. "It is as if you've lost your mind! You used to be a very proper lady. Now you act like a tramp."

         "At least I do not look like one." Elsa muttered. Her younger sister watched from not far away, hiding herself so she wouldn't get caught and get sent back to her room. It was part of the castle rules that everyone must stay on their rooms when the clock passed 7. Well, unless there is an occasion held in the castle of course.

         "Oh but you will if you will keep that attitude Elsa." The duchess said in a threatening tone. Elsa just took that as another thing the duchess scares her with. She's heard worst. But none of what the duchess threatened Elsa with was done.

Elsa was like a bird, a bird that wants to be set free out of the cages made of rules and responsibilities. At first she was fine with the rules and all, but when she got older she found the rules ridiculous. Especially the rules they had on food. The duchess created a whole schedule for their food and the schedule never changed ever since and it made Elsa sick by eating the same food again and again.

         "Really? What are you going to do then Marisa, throw me out?" Elsa challenged. The duchess chuckled fanning herself.

         "What if I say yes?" The duchess closed her fan and raised an eyebrow to Elsa. She just returned the favor by raising her eyebrow too.

         "Then go. It is not like you will actually do it." Elsa muttered the last part. But it is like the duchess was blessed with elephant ears so she heard Elsa's muttering.

         "Oh but I will." She smiled deviously. "In fact I'm going to have to ask you to go. Now."

         "What?! You can't tell me to go! It is my castle too technically. I have the right to stay here for I am the Duke's daughter." Elsa argued.

         "The Duke is gone, and as the duchess I now have control of the castle. And I say you are to be thrown out." The duchess said angrily, trying hard to keep her posture.

         "What?!" Elsa yelled surprised. The duchess crossed her arms.

         "Be gone you problem child!" The duchess told Elsa while crossing her arms still. Elsa has a very confused face looking at the duchess. Anna, who was eavesdropping, was surprised too.

         "Fine!" Elsa stormed out towards the back door. By doing so she grabbed an apple from the kitchen before going out the door. The duchess didn't come after her so she wasn't scolded.

Anna stood in her place surprised. She wanted to run after Elsa but she was afraid to get thrown out too. She's broken enough rules for one day. Or should I say she's broken enough rules to also get thrown out.

Elsa sat on the doorstep as the rain poured on her. Half of her body was already wet by the rain, mainly the lower part. The small stone slab that she was under wasn't enough to protect her from the heavy raindrops.

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