Chapter 36

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They rode off swiftly to their destination, like time was their enemy and it'll be the end if they don't get there before the sun sets.

Hiccup was sort of with and against the idea, he'd rather go for another day knowing that it won't be enough time for them to stay there but then there was Elsa that he knows had been longing for this trip to happen for a long time.

Anna practically pleaded for him to agree, for Elsa's sake.

The whole trip Elsa was silent, looking out the window with a small smile on her face and a slightly teary eye.

"Thank you Hiccup." Anna whispered to her husband as she held his hand. "It's been a while since I saw that genuine smile."

Hiccup also smiled. "Yeah. It has." He said.

They noticed, ever since that day her smile has been different, it wasn't the good different. But now it's a good different kind of smile that she has.

"We're almost there." Elsa said, excitement evident in her voice. Her smile grew larger, almost like a grin.

When the carriage stopped, she practically raced out of it to go to the front door.

When she arrived at the front of the door she stood there, staring at it. She raised her hands, ready to knock but hesitated a bit before it made contact to the door. Elsa looked back to see Anna cheering her on, making her laugh a bit.

"Here it goes." Elsa whispered to herself before knocking at the door. It was quite soft though, the way she knocked. It may not have been audible for some because of that.

She then shook her head and tried knocking once more, a tad louder than earlier.

Then she knocked once more.

And again.

And again.

No one was answering.

"I think no one's home." Elsa said frowning. She wasn't the only one disappointed though, Anna and Hiccup felt just as disappointed. "Maybe they're at work." Elsa added walking away from the door.

"Should we go to them then?" Anna suggested.

"I don't think three royals walking in to a very busy market place will make it less busy." Hiccup said.

"But you used to work there too." Anna pointed out.

"Well, I had a disguise." Hiccup explained. "This is practically royal uniform." He pointed at their outfits.

Anna pouted. "Fair point, but I was really hoping to see them."

Hiccup and Elsa raised their eyebrows at the princess. "You sound like you're the one who spent time with them most." Elsa laughed.

"Well, you two spent time with them most so I'm a bit jealous for being left out of that experience." Anna said.

"Is that why you wanted to go here?" Hiccup raised an eyebrow.

"Yes." Anna said, half lying. "Sure." Hiccup said in the most sarcastic way he can possibly say it.

"Well, we're a bit tight on schedule and it's almost time to go back." Elsa said.

"What?" Hiccup asked shocked.

"Wait, what?" Anna faced her sister.

"What?" Elsa was taken aback from the looks she was receiving from the two.

"We are not going back yet." Hiccup insisted. "You and Anna sit tight here while I go get them." He said running to the carriage.

The moment he stepped out of the carriage he was stripped out of whatever looked expensive and was practically wearing just a shirt and quite ridiculous looking shorts.

Anna was trying to hold back a laugh as she stared at a determined looking Hiccup wearing clothes she's never imagined him wearing in public. It wasn't a new thing for Elsa knowing that he and Jack seemed to like dressing up like fools before.

"I'll be right back." Hiccup said before riding their horse to the marketplace.

When Hiccup was a a considerable distance from the two, Anna couldn't contain herself anymore and just bursted out laughing.

"What's so funny?" Elsa asked her sister.

"Hiccup looks ridiculous." Anna answered, emphasizing the word "ridiculous" before laughing once more. Elsa couldn't help but laugh along because of her sister's obnoxious laughter and occasional snorts.  


The two decided to move to the backyard since there was better shade there and they wanted to lay on the grass under the tree.

Anna was half asleep, muttering stories of times she got lost in the huge castle she moved into with Hiccup. It was a lot of stories and listening to a half asleep Anna tell the story was like listening to a drunk Anna talk of nonsense. Elsa still listened to it though, occassionally laughing at her sister and her story.

There were a few changes around the place, not major changes but it was noticable enough for Elsa. She noticed that the wire they hang their clothes on moved, the small chair near the back door wasn't there anymore (it probably broke down since it was already slightly breaking down before, is what Elsa thought), and there was now a low long table outside that had various dried flowers on it.

Elsa was also on the verge of sleeping until Hiccup came running to them, trying to catch his breath as he told them that Thia has arrived with him. Elsa stood up in a heartbeat, startling her sister that was laying beside her.

She almost ran to Thia. Well, she did, but it wasn't a run for her life thing but she got to her as quickly as she could.

"Thia!" Elsa engulfed her to a hug, it is as though they were dancing as they both moved around a bit while hugging.

"Elsa! Good to see you!" Thia greeted. The moment they pulled away Thia eyed Elsa. "I was honestly expecting you were wearing something a bit pooffier like how you described your usual outdoor clothing in your letters.

"Well, today was sort of an unplanned outdoor activity. Plus it's my day-off as a royal so I think today's an exception to wear that." Elsa explained.

"I didn't know you can get day-offs as a royal." Thia raised an eyebrow.

"You don't, Anna made it up and I'm just going along with it." Elsa said before laughing, Thia laughed along.

"Well, your day-off is a perfect timing for me because I only had half a day of work today, though we'll have to wait for Jack to come back from his work." Thia said.

"I'm already here, might as well make it last right?" Elsa said.

"Yeah, that's the spirit!" Thia said. "For the mean time, I'll get all of you some snack."

"Oh, no need we brought some." Anna spoke up running to their carriage to grab the snacks they brought.

"We had tons for our initial plan and Anna insisted we should bring them here instead." Hiccup explained. "I won't be surprised if she brought the game stuffs we had too honestly." He added.

And he wasn't wrong.

Anna had three things with her when she came back; a basket full of cookies and sandwiches, a bag full of their wooden board games and another bag for the things needed in her made up games.

"We can play while waiting." Anna said as she set down what was on her with a wide grin.

"Called it." Hiccup whispered making Thia and Elsa laugh a bit.

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